The 8th International Conference on Chirality, Vorticity, and Magnetic Field in Quantum Matter will be held on July 22 - 26, 2024, at the West University of Timișoara, Romania.
This event is the 8th conference in the series on Chirality, Vorticity, and Magnetic Field in Heavy-Ion Collisions, which has been extended in 2024 to include other domains of Quantum Matter.
This one-week conference brings together researchers from different domains of physics, both from theoretical and experimental communities, to discuss new avenues in exploring chiral and vortical phenomena and associated electromagnetic effects in the fields of strongly interacting matter, heavy-ion collisions, superconductors, (magneto-)hydrodynamical systems and in astrophysical objects.
Please note the Important Dates, Travel to Timișoara, and Visa Information.
Review of the experimental status of the polarization measurements in heavy ion collisions is presented.
In this review talk, I discuss recent advancements in the theoretical understanding of polarization phenomena in heavy ion collisions. I will focus on recent theoretical developments concerning vector polarization and spin alignment, including their numerical study and comparison with experiments. I will highlight the successes and the open questions in the current models, offering insights into future research directions.
The anomalous axial symmetry of the Lagrangian for massless fermions is known to be ultimately responsible for a variety of macroscopic transport phenomena in rotating states, e.g. the chiral vortical effect (CVE) and chiral vortical separation effect (CVSE). Their coherent interplay gives rise to the chiral vortical wave. Traditionally, only the axial and vector degrees of freedom are included in the hydrodynamic analysis. In this talk, we generalise the previous approaches to include another conserved charge for massless free fermions, helicity, and obtain the spectrum of collective excitations. We explicitly introduce the dissipative effects and non-conservation of charges that arise due to interactions. Finally, we discuss the possible phenomenological impact for the quark-gluon plasma nucleated in heavy-ion collisions.
A major difficulty in QFT comes from the fact that the traditional Pauli-Dirac spin operator of Dirac’s theory is not a conserved observable. This inconvenience can be overdrawn taking the Pauli-Lubanski operator as covariant spin operator, even though this is not related directly to an
We derive a Cooper-Frye-type formula for the spin alignment of neutral vector mesons, such as
We assume that the vector mesons freeze out on a space-like hypersurface in the Minkowski space-time that is close to a hyperplane. We find that the leading order of the spin alignment is proportional to the curvature of the hypersurface and the hydrodynamic fields at first-order space-time gradient, such as the thermal shear. It is a non-dissipative mechanism that induces the spin alignment proportional to the hydrodynamic fields with the first-order space-time gradient.
Including the effects of the chiral anomaly within Chiral Perturbation Theory at finite baryon chemical potential, it has been shown that neutral pions form an inhomogeneous phase dubbed the "Chiral Soliton Lattice" (CSL) above a certain critical magnetic field. Above a second (higher) critical field, the CSL becomes unstable to fluctuations of charged pions, implying they condense. I will point out the similarity of this second critical field to the upper critical magnetic field in conventional type-II superconductors, suggesting that an inhomogeneous superconducting charged pion phase exists beyond this point. Applying similar methods originally used by Abrikosov, I will present results where we've constructed such a phase, and show the region where it is preferred in the baryon chemical potential-magnetic field phase diagram at zero temperature. This new phase has a non-zero baryon number density which is periodic in all three spatial dimensions.
We will discuss the effect of rotation on the confining and chiral properties of QCD using the linear sigma model coupled to the Polyakov loop. Enforcing the causality constraint by the spectral boundary conditions we obtain the phase diagram at finite temperature, baryon density, and angular frequency. At nonrotating limit we observe a splitting between the chiral and confining transitions that decreases with increasing radius. In the presence of finite rotation this splitting decreases with increasing angular velocity for experimentally relevant, slow angular velocities. However, we observe a increment in the splitting when the boundary of the system rotates at near-to-light velocities.
The observation of the vector meson's global spin alignment by the STAR Collaboration reveals that strong spin correlations may exist for quarks and antiquarks in relativistic heavy-ion collisions in the normal direction of the reaction plane. We propose a systematic method to describe such correlations in the quark matter. The correlations can be classified as local and long range types. We show in particular that the effective quark spin correlations contain the genuine spin correlations originated directly from the dynamical process as well as those induced by averaging over other degrees of freedom. We also show that such correlations can be studied by measuring the vector meson's spin density matrix and hyperon-hyperon and hyperon-anti-hyperon spin correlations. We present the relationships between these measurable quantities and spin correlations of quarks and antiquarks.
It is usually believed that physics in off-equilibrium state can be equivalently studied using equilibrium state with suitable metric perturbation. We point out it is not the case for spin polarization phenomena: the exisiting chiral kinetic theory in curved space fails to recover all the couplings between spin and hydrodynamic gradients [1]. We present a new form of chiral kinetic theory in curved space, in which the equivalence is established [2]. The equivalence allows us to formulate spin polarization in hydrodynamic medium as a scattering problem, which is then studied using in-medium form factors [3,4]. We find radiative corrections to all couplings between spin and hydrodynamic gradients. Implications for local spin polarization of Lambda hyperon will be discussed.
[1] Y.-C. Liu, L.-L. Gao, K. Mameda and X.-G. Huang, Phys.Rev.D 99 (2019) 8, 085014
[2] J. Tian and S. Lin, to appear
[3] S. Lin and J. Tian, Acta Phys.Sin. 72 (2023) 7, 071201
[4] S. Lin and J. Tian, Eur.Phys.J.Plus 139 (2024) 2, 109
Non-central heavy-ion collisions contain large orbital angular momentum (
In this study, we calculate the shear viscosity for rotating fermions with spin-half under conditions of high temperature and density. We employ the Kubo formalism, rooted in finite-temperature quantum field theory, to compute the field correlation functions essential for this evaluation. The one-loop diagram pertinent to shear viscosity is analyzed within the context of curved space, utilizing tetrad formalism as an effective approach in cylindrical coordinates. Our findings focus on extremely high angular velocities, ranging from 0.1 to 1 GeV, which align with experimental expectations. Furthermore, we explore the inter-relationship between the chemical potential and angular velocity within the scope of this study.
We investigate an alternative approach, to the MIS relativistic approach, developed to describe fluids without an underlying boost symmetry. This "density frame" approach has no non-hydrodynamic modes and no additional parameters compared to the Landau theory of first order hydrodynamics, at the price of not being fully boost invariant. We show that the density frame equations of motion follow Landau ones if the ideal equations are used to rewrite lab-frame time derivatives appearing in the dissipative strains as spatial derivatives. With this rewrite the equations are first order in time and are stable. In addition, we also show that the density frame equations can be derived from the relativistic kinetic theory.
After formulating the angular momentum conservation in a covariant form, we consider the equations of spin hydrodynamics in the background of an uncharged fluid in global equilibrium with a non-vanishing thermal vorticity.
Assuming that the spin degrees of freedom are not in equilibrium, we derive relaxation-type equations for the components of the spin potential.
These equations generalize the existing literature on the spin waves which were derived on top of a fluid in a hydrostatic state, where the thermal vorticity is zero.
Our purpose is to understand the dynamics of relaxation of the spin potential to the thermal vorticity in a simple setup and also pave the way for realistic numerical simulations.
Recent years have seen an increase in the interest to investigate the thermodynamic properties of strongly-interacting systems under rotation. Such studies are usually performed using lattice gauge techniques on the Euclidean manifold and with an imaginary angular velocity, Ω = iΩ_I . When ν = βΩ_I /2π is a rational number, the thermodynamics of free scalar fields ”fractalizes” in the large volume limit, that is, it depends only on the denominator q of the irreducible fraction ν = p/q [1].
The present study considers the same problem for free, massless, fermions at finite temperature T = \beta^{-1} and chemical potential µ and confirms that the thermodynamics fractalizes when µ = 0. Curiously, fractalization has no effect on the chemical potential µ, which dominates the thermodynamics when q is large. The fractal behavior is shown analytically for the fermionic condensate, the charge currents and the energy-momentum tensor. For these observables, the limits on the rotation axis are validated by comparison to the results obtained in [2] for the case of real rotation. Enclosing the system in a fictitious cylinder of radius R and length Lz allows constructing averaged thermodynamic quantities that satisfy the Euler relation and fractalize.
[1] V. E. Ambruș, M. Chernodub, Phys. Rev. D 108 (2023) 085016.
[2] V. E. Ambruş, J. High Energ. Phys. 2020 (2020) 16.
We describe a quantum fluid undergoing constant acceleration in the grand canonical ensemble, in thermal equilibrium at finite inverse temperature β. Writing the action of the density operator ρ as a Poincare transformation with imaginary parameters, we derive the Kubo-Martin-Schwinger (KMS) relation characterizing the two-point functions. The KMS relation sets boundary conditions for the Euclidean propagator, identifying points in the τ-z plane on a circle separated by an angle equal to the thermal acceleration α. When α/2π = p/q is a rational number, we find a fractalization of thermodynamics, similar to the case of states under imaginary rotation.
A quantum fluid in thermal equilibrium can be described in the grand canonical ensemble using the density operator ρ. At finite temperature and chemical potential, the expectation values of the energy-momentum tensor and the charge current reveal the well-known thermodynamics of the Fermi-Dirac fluid. When the system is rotating or immersed in a magnetic field, deviations from the Fermi-Dirac thermodynamics can be seen, a particular form of which gives rise to anomalous transport.
Anomalous transport was originally uncovered at the level of the axial current: a rotating fluid exhibits a flow of chirality along the rotation vector (the chiral vortical effect). Similarly, Dirac fermions in a magnetic field exhibit the chiral separation effect, by which vector charge imbalance drives a flow of chirality. Conversely, chiral imbalance drives a flow of vector charge (the chiral magnetic effect).
In this poster, we address similar effects at the level of the helicity current, describing the flow of helicity (as opposed to chirality) at finite rotation and in the presence of a magnetic field. Because the helicity has opposite charge conjugation parity compared to chirality, these transport laws complement each other. At high temperature and under rotation, the axial conductivity is dominant; while under a magnetic field, the helical conductivity becomes dominant.
The polarization of free Dirac fermions can be described by helicity, which represents the projection of the spin along the direction of motion. The helicity operator commutes with the Hamiltonian and therefore helicity is a good'' quantum number, even in the case of massive fermions. This opens the possibility of defining a
helicity current'', J^\mu_H, which is conserved for free fermions. In the case of massless fermions, J^mu_H transforms covariantly under Lorentz transformations. Integrating its zeroth component over the spatial volume gives the helicity charge, Q_H.
Consider now an ensemble of interacting fermions with a slight helicity imbalance. Due to the helicity-violating pair annihilation (HVPA) processes, the helical imbalance will dissipate in time. This poster addresses the calculation of the typical timescale of the helicity relaxation time in the high-temperature, deconfined phase of the quark-gluon plasma, by employing the Boltzmann collision integral for the HVPA processes.
When two relativistic heavy nuclei collide, they produce strong chromoelectric fields that lead to a rapid deceleration of the colliding nuclei. It was suggested twenty years ago that the deceleration leads to a rapid thermalization of the gluon matter through the Hawking-Unruh effect that produces a final thermal gluon state via quantum tunneling through the emerging event horizon. In the Color Glass Condensate picture, the deceleration in the relativistic heavy-ion collisions has been estimated to reach an enormous value of
In this work, we study the Chiral Magnetic Effect (CME) from lattice QCD simulations in two different scenarios, particularly focusing on the leading-order coefficient of the vector current in a chiral chemical potential expansion. In the first case, we consider a system in thermal equilibrium with a non-uniform magnetic background. We show that local chiral magnetic currents appear in this setup, following non-trivially the magnetic field profile. We check that these currents average zero in the full volume, confirming that the total CME conductivity vanishes in equilibrium. In the second case, we present the first steps towards studying the out-of-equilibrium aspects of CME on the lattice. We use Euclidean correlators, calculated in a uniform magnetic background, to investigate the out-of-equilibrium conductivity via spectral reconstruction methods.
Fermion production in an external Coulomb field on de Sitter expanding universe is studied. The amplitude and probability of pair production in an external Coulomb field are computed and the cases of large/small values of the expansion factor comparatively with the particle mass are studied. We obtain from our calculations that the modulus of the momentum is no longer a conserved quantity. We find that in the de Sitter space there are probabilities for production processes where the helicity is no longer conserved.
We investigated the Dirac eigenvalue distributions at finite chiral chemical potential and strong magnetic field. We found that the eigenvalue distributions exhibit what is called the skin effect in condensed matter physics which is typical behavior when a topological transport is expected.
We also analyzed different distribution patterns by multiplying some matrices to the Dirac operator. The eigenvalues are placed not randomly but along lines only when the operator product corresponds to the physical observable relevant to the topological transport.
We also discuss possible applications of topological data analysis (TDA) to judge whether the topological current emerges.
The interplay between the chiral anomaly and the magnetic/vortical field created in heavy-
ion collisions can give rise to anomalous chiral effects. In this talk, the latest results of the
Chiral Magnetic Effect, Chiral Magnetic Wave, and Chiral Vortical Effect are reported in
Pb–Pb and Xe–Xe collisions recorded by the ALICE detector.
In this talk I will present the recent results of CME searches from the STAR collaboration using a novel event shape selection method and give a personal prospect on the future of the CME experimental searches. In high-energy heavy-ion collisions, the chiral magnetic effect (CME) may arise from the interplay between domains of chirality imbalanced quarks in the quark-gluon plasma and the strong magnetic field (
The correlations of electric currents in hot non-Abelian plasma are responsible for the experimental manifestations of the chiral magnetic effect in heavy-ion collisions. We evaluate these correlations using holography, and show that they are driven by large-scale topological fluctuations. In a non-Abelian plasma with chiral fermions, local axial charge can be generated either by topological fluctuations (creating domains with nonzero Chern-Simons number) or by thermal fluctuations. Within holography, we investigate the dynamical creation of the axial charge and isolate the imprint of the topological dynamics on the spatial correlations of electric current. In particular, we show that the spatial extent of the current correlation is quite large (∼1 fm) and grows with time, which is consistent with sphaleronlike dynamics. We provide numerical estimates for this spatial size that can be used as an input in phenomenological analyses.
We study the space-time evolution of electromagnetic fields along
with the azimuthal fluctuations of these fields and their correlation
with the initial matter geometry specified by the participant plane
in the presence of finite electric
Zr+Zr collisions at
asymmetric behavior of the spatial distributions of the electric and
magnetic fields in a conducting medium when compared to the Lienard-Wiechert
(L-W) solutions, and deceleration of the decay of the fields is observed
in both isobar collisions. While studying the correlation between
the magnetic field direction and the participant plane, we see the
sizeable suppression of the correlation in the presence of finite
conductivities when compared to the L-W case, reflecting the importance
of taking into account the medium properties such as conductivities
while calculating the magnetic field induced observable quantities.
Negative magnetoresistance in topological semimetals is typically considered as a manifestation of chiral magnetic effect (CME). The relation between these two phenomena has the status of hypothesis and is based on the sequence of assumptions. In the present paper we rely on rigorous Keldysh technique of non-equilibrium theory. It allows us to investigate the accumulation of axial charge — the process that involves both chiral anomaly and relaxation followed by the energy dissipation.
We also calculate directly the contribution to electric conductivity due to the same two processes. We obtain the same dependence of conductivity on the angle between electric and magnetic field as the standard heuristic CME calculation. The dependence of conductivity on magnetic field in the limit of weak magnetic field also matches the CME calculation. However, comparison of axial charge density and electric conductivity does not confirm the CME hypothesis, and demonstrates that the true mechanism of magnetoresistance in Dirac semimetals is (partially or completely) different from the one based on the CME.
It is expected that there exists an ultra-central strong magnetic field during the early stages of heavy-ion collisions. However, due to the rapid decay, it is a weak magnetic field that along with the evolution of quark-gluon plasma (QGP)
In this work, we study the dissipative correction induced by a weak magnetic field during the QGP stage. Employing the viscous hydrodynamics simulation, we calculate two associated probes with weak magnetic dissipation, i.e., the direct photon elliptic flow and the hyperon local spin polarization.
We find that the magnetic field can lead to a large enhancement of the photon momentum anisotropy when coupled with the longitudinal dynamics of the background medium. With a finite magnetic field, the experimental measured direct photon
Phys.Rev.C 109 (2024) 3, 034917
The dynamics of relativistic leptons such as electrons and neutrinos play an important role in the evolution of core-collapse supernovae (CCSN). Nevertheless, chirality as one of the fundamental microscopic properties that could affect lepton transport through the weak interaction has been widely overlooked. In this talk, I will discuss how chiral effects such as the (effective) chiral magnetic effect (CME) for an electric charge current induced by magnetic fields could result in unstable modes of magnetic fields and inverse cascade, which may further influence the matter evolution in CCSN, pulsar kicks, and dynamical generation of strong magnetic fields in magnetars. I will also show how such an effective CME could be realized via the backreaction from non-equilibrium neutrino radiation even in the absence of chiral imbalance.
Built upon the state-of-the-art model a multiphase transport (AMPT), we develop a new module of chiral anomaly transport (CAT) to trace the evolution of the initial topological charge of gauge field created through sphaleron transition at finite temperature and external magnetic field in heavy ion collisions. The eventual experimental signals of chiral magnetic effect(CME) has been measured. The CAT explicitly shows the generation and evolution of the charge separation, and the signals of CME through the CAT are quantitatively in agreement with the experimental measurements in Au+Au collision and isobar collision at
We recent results of our group on quantum Hall effect, Chiral Magnetic effect, and Chiral separation effect. Using Wigner - Weyl calculus the corresponding conductivities are calculated and represented in the form of topological invariants. Effects of interactions, inhomogeneity, and deviations from equilibrium are considered.
Spin hydrodynamics can be developed from a systematic expansion in the reduced plank constant. Up to the first order in this expansion, there is no back-reaction from the spin to fluid dynamics, and, therefore, solutions to the standard hydrodynamics act as an input for the equations of motion for the spin tensor. Furthermore, one can assume a so-called ideal-spin approximation where the entropy production from the spin degrees of freedom is second-order in the reduced plank constant and the conservation of angular momentum is a closed system of equations. In this talk, I present developments in ideal-spin hydrodynamics including the linear regime, the covariance of spin dynamics, and the spin dynamics on top of Bjorken attractors.
Motivated by the evidence of spin polarization of particles produced in relativistic heavy ion collisions, there is a growing interest in the so-called relativistic spin hydrodynamics. In this talk, we will present the outcomes of using a first-principle quantum-statistical method to derive the expression of the entropy current and entropy production rate in relativistic spin hydrodynamics. We'll discuss key findings in comparison to phenomenological spin hydrodynamics, along with its future potential.
Ref: [Phys.Lett.B 850 (2024) 138533]
Spin hydrodynamics relies on the non-unique definition of the spin tensor, representing the distribution of spin degrees of freedom, but different spin tensors lead to different physical results. In general, this pseudogauge symmetry represents a significant theoretical ambiguity in relativistic out-of-equilibrium statistical mechanics. This ambiguity may be resolved by fundamental quantum field theory. In this talk, we prove the equivalence between the finite-temperature NJL model and the covariant statistical operator of a free Dirac field with a spin potential coupled to the canonical spin tensor. The spin potential is induced by a mean axial vector field, expected to be generated in heavy-ion collisions through the chiral separation and axial vortical effects. Our description favors the canonical pseudogauge.
Using first-principle numerical simulations, we find a new spatially inhomogeneous phase in rigidly rotating gluon plasma. This mixed phase simultaneously possesses both confining and deconfining phases in thermal equilibrium. Unexpectedly, the local critical temperature of the phase transition at the rotation axis does not depend on the angular frequency within a few percent accuracy. An analytic continuation of our results to the domain of real angular frequencies indicates a profound breaking of the Tolman-Ehrenfest law in the vicinity of the phase transition, with the confining (deconfining) phase appearing far (near) the rotation axis.
In the relativistic heavy ion collision experiment, there exist a large acceleration and rapid rotation in the non-central collision which can be considered as a system with acceleration and rotation. According to the Hawking-Unruh effect, the accelerated observer sees himself in a system with Unruh temperature
We study the chiral condensate as observed by an accelerating and rotating observer using field theory in general spacetime. We develop the formalism to calculate the chiral condensate using the Nambu-Jona-Lasinio model in accelerating and rotating frame. We solve the gap equation and obtain the chiral condensate as a function of proper acceleration and angular velocity. We also defined a critical acceleration
It is interesting to observe the effect of the pion mass beyond its physical value on the QCD phase diagram in the
Significant global hyperon polarization has been observed in non-central heavy ion collisions, providing evidence of the vorticity of the quark-gluon plasma (QGP). This effect can serve as a new probe for exploring the fluid properties of strongly interacting matter. A difference between the global polarization of
In this talk, we will present new results of
The observation of hyperon polarization along beam direction (
Particles of non-zero spin produced in non-central heavy-ion collisions are expected to be polarized along the direction perpendicular to the reaction plane due to spin-orbit coupling in the produced matter, and this has indeed been observed for many hyperons and vector mesons. Here, we show that the hypertriton (
Recent experimental data indicate a strong phi vector meson spin alignment which can be explained as a result of a short distance correlation of fluctuating strong-force field. If such strong-force for strange quark exists in the late stage of heavy-ion collisions, it will also lead to spin-spin correlation of final state hyperons such as Lambda-(anti)Lambda. We calculate such spin-spin correlation within the CLVisc hydrodynamics with the strength of the fluctuating strong-field given by the phi meson spin alignment. The correlation is found to be 100 times stronger than that due to spin polarization by local vorticity.
I will review the recent discussions on the phase diagram under rotation and magnetic field. The interpretation of rotation effects on the QCD phase transition is still controversial, and the coexisting of rotation and magnetic field makes the physical system even more confusing. The talk will go through results from lattice results, model calculations, perturbative QCD, as well as the latest surprise from general analysis.
A review talk on some of the new developments on the Chiral Magnetic Effect.
In this talk I will present a derivation of second order terms
of the spin polarization of fermions at local thermodynamic equilibrium
including second order derivatives and quadratic terms in thermal
vorticity and shear. While quadratic terms are expected to provide
a small correction to the predicted polarization, the importance of
second order derivatives can be verified only through numerical
The global spin alignment for the
We explore chiral symmetry breaking in a rotating system within a quark-meson model of interacting massless quarks, incorporating tensor channels. Our findings reveal that new interaction channels emerge due to the explicit breaking of rotational symmetry due to non-zero rotation. We demonstrate that chiral symmetry breaking leads to the generation of two independent condensates: the conventional chiral condensate and a spin-one condensate. The chiral condensate results in a dynamical fermion mass, while the spin-one condensate is associated with the spin chemical potential. The quark-antiquark pairs with opposite spins possess a resultant spin moment, which can align with the net angular momentum, giving rise to a net spin moment for the ground state.
In this talk, I will review how the conductivities of anomalous transport phenomena can be extracted using lattice QCD, in particular focusing on the Chiral Separation Effect (CSE) and Chiral Magnetic Effect (CME). For the CSE, I will explain how the sign problem has been circumvented to study this effect in different setups, leading to the determination of its conductivity in QCD with physical quark masses. In the case of CME, I will emphasize the role of regularization for its equilibrium formulation, as well as the importance of using conserved vector currents on the lattice to study this effect. Finally, I will discuss what are the next steps being taken in the lattice community to shed light on how CME manifests in physical systems.
In this report the influence of relativistic rotation on QCD properties will be considered. I am going to review the results which were obtained within lattice simulation of QCD. It has become commonplace to perform such studies in the reference frame rotating with the system under investigation. In this case there appears the gravitational field and the problem is reduced to study of QCD in this external gravitational field. Within the report the following topics will be reviewed. The influence of relativistic rotation to the QCD critical temperatures. Equation of state of rotating QCD and the moment of inertia of quark-gluon plasma. Inhomogeneous phase transitions in rotating quark-gluon plasma.
In this presentation, I revisit the Dirac theory under an external magnetic field and rotation. Motivated by experimental observations of significant vorticities in heavy ion collisions, there has been active exploration into the thermodynamics of rotating QCD matter. While the pure rotational effect has received attention, the interplay between rotation and magnetic fields remains insufficiently elucidated. In this talk, I address two significant issues present in previous formulations of rotating magnetized systems: gauge invariance and thermodynamic stability. I demonstrate that resolving both issues necessitates considering the kinetic angular momentum coupled with angular momentum. The reformulated Dirac theory presented here reproduces a well-known charged density first discovered by Hattori and Yin. Moreover, it indicates that higher-order contributions of angular velocity do not affect the charge density, providing evidence of its anomalous nature. Lastly, I offer insights into the rotational response of QCD vacuum from the perspective of the Savvidy vacuum.
We consider macroscopic motion of quantum field systems. The Zubarev statistical operator allows us to describe several types of motion of such systems in thermal equilibrium. We formulate the corresponding effective theory on the language of a functional integral. The effective Lagrangian is calculated explicitly for the fermionic systems interacting with dynamical gauge fields. Possible applications to physics of quark-gluon plasma are discussed.
Quark-gluon plasma (QGP) produced in relativistic heavy-ion collisions cools rapidly as the medium evolves. QGP with non-zero conserved charged current, higher thermal conductivity of medium advances in global thermalization. Being made of electrically charged partons, heat current leads to electromagnetic (EM) field induction in the medium, commonly known as the thermoelectric effect. Quantum modification of the classical non-relativistic phenomenon in relativistic matter – QGP, is fascinating to explore. In this work, for the first time, we have estimated the induced electric field due to the thermoelectric effects in a QGP. This phenomenon can induce an EM field even in QGP created in head-on collisions with non-vanishing chemical potential. We found that the induced electric field is zero at the center and increases moving away from the center. For baryon chemical potential of
In the framework of Nambu--Jona-Lasinio model beyond mean field approximation, the effects of pion fluctuations on (inverse) magnetic catalysis and magnetic susceptibility are studied. The negative magnetic susceptibility at low temperature is observed when contributions from both neutral and charged pions are taken into account. In weak field approximation, it is observed that at finite temperature, the magnetic inhibition effect in the chiral limit, resulting from the difference between the transverse and longitudinal velocities of neutral pions, converts to weak magnetic catalysis when considering a non-zero current quark mass. Moreover, the magnetic catalysis is amplified by the charged pions.
When chiral charged matter is exposed to extremely strong magnetic fields, novel hydrodynamic transport effects emerge 1. These novel effects need to be estimated and possibly taken into account, for example in the hydrodynamic codes used to analyze heavy-ion collision data or magnetars. Kubo formulae link the macroscopic transport coefficients to the microscopic retarded two-point correlation functions of conserved currents. Some among the transport effects cause no dissipation, i.e. they produce no entropy; one well known example is the chiral magnetic effect (CME). As a case study far away from equilibrium, the CME within holographic plasma suggests lessons for the quark-gluon-plasma at colliders 2.
References: Phys.Rev.C 105 (2022) 3, 034903; JHEP 04 (2021) 078
Weyl semimetals, a class of topological materials, exhibit a hydrodynamic regime and offer an ideal environment for investigating chiral anomalies through table-top experiments and transport measurements. In this presentation, I will consider a
We present a method for simulating the stochastic relativistic advection-diffusion equation using the Metropolis algorithm. This approach simulates dissipative dynamics by randomly transferring charge between fluid cells, combined with ideal hydrodynamic time steps. Charge transfers are accepted or rejected based on entropy as a statistical weight in a Metropolis step. This reproduces expected dissipative strains in relativistic hydrodynamics within a specific hydrodynamic frame known as the density-frame. Numerical results, with and without noise, are compared to relativistic kinetics and analytical expectations. Notably, unlike other numerical approaches, this method is strictly first order in gradients and lacks non-hydrodynamic modes. The simplicity and convergence properties of the Metropolis algorithm make it promising for simulating stochastic relativistic fluids in heavy ion collisions and critical phenomena.
Using the imaginary part of the self-energy function in the Landau-level representation, we derive the fermion damping rate in a hot magnetized plasma at the leading order of coupling. The results are used to investigate the longitudinal and transverse electrical conductivities. In the relativistic regime, these conductivities exhibit a scaling behavior expressed in terms of dimensionless functions of eB/T2, where T represents the temperature and B the magnetic field. We demonstrate that the underlying mechanisms governing the transverse and longitudinal conductivities differ significantly, resulting in a substantial suppression of the former compared to the latter. We also extend our analysis to a magnetized quark-gluon plasma, although the approximation has limited validity at strong coupling.
Magnetic fields of a large intensity can be generated in peripheral high-energy heavy-ion collisions. Although the intensity drops down fast and, moreover, it is not clear whether the fields last long enough to induce a magnetization during the quark-gluon plasma phase, most of the models and simulations predict a significant intensity that lasts up to proper times of order 1 fm after the beginning of the reaction, which is a typical time for the hydrodynamical phase to start. This interval of time is referred to as the pre-equilibrium stage. One can expect that the evolution of the reaction during pre-equilibrium is likely to be influenced by these fields. In this work we adopt a strong field approximation to study the effects of the magnetic field-induced anisotropy in the gluon pressure. We include this anisotropy within the description obtained by means of effective kinetic theory and explore the consequences to reach isotropization at proper times of order 1 fm.
Chiral Magnetic Effect (CME) is a phenomenon in which electric charge is separated by a strong magnetic field from local domains of chirality imbalance and parity violation in quantum chromodynamics (QCD). The CME-sensitive observable, charge-dependent three-particle azimuthal correlator
Quantum kinetic theory, arising as a semiclassical limit of quantum field theory, is an effective microscopic description applicable to a wide variety of systems.
I present an introduction to the topic and discuss important developments, such as the application of quantum kinetic theory to systems of particles with nonvanishing spin, leading to intriguing transport phenomena relevant to the study of the Quark-Gluon Plasma (QGP).
In particular, emphasis is put on the connection of a quantum-kinetic approach to polarization-related phenomena in heavy-ion collisions.
Semiclassical expansion of the Wigner function for spin-1/2 fermions having an effective spacetime-dependent mass is used to analyze spin-polarization effects. The existing framework is reformulated to obtain a differential equation directly connecting the particle spin tensor with the effective mass. It reflects the conservation of the total angular momentum in a system. In general, we find that the gradients of mass act as a source of the spin polarization. Although this effect is absent for simple boost-invariant dynamics, an extension to non-boost-invariant systems displays a non-trivial dependence of the spin density on the mass indicating that the spin polarization effects may be intertwined with the phenomenon of chiral restoration.
Reference: Physics Letters B 849 (2024) 138464 • e-Print: 2307.12436 [hep-ph]
It is now clear, on a theoretical level, that spin polarization can not be in perfect local equilibrium with vorticity during the quark-gluon plasma evolution. Phenomenological consequences of this are however so far not clear. In this talk we argue that spin one mesons (and higher spin particles) are ideal probes of non-equilibrium between vorticity and polarization, because their density matrix carries, potentially, information unanbiguously related to local equilibrium.
We illustrate how light mesons (modeled via coalescence), quarkonia (modeled via potential models) and virtual photons (detectable via dilepton pairs) could be used to probe the interplay between vorticity and polarization in the system.
Based on 2305.02985 2104.12941 and ongoing work
We investigate the effects of the QCD critical point on spin polarization of
[1] Sushant K Singh & J Alam, Eur. Phys. J. C 83, 585 (2023).
In this work, we address the problem of longitudinal spin polarization of the
Based on: arXiv 2405.05089 [hep-ph]
I will present the application of Newton-Cartan geometry to the kinetic theory of gases in gravitational fields. Starting with an introduction to the basics of Newton-Cartan geometry, I will examine the motion of point particles within this framework, leading to a detailed analysis of kinetic theory and the derivation of conservation equations. The equilibrium distribution function will explored, culminating in a practical example involving a rotating gas in a gravitational field. Further, we will develop covariant hydrodynamics equations and extend our analysis through a gradient expansion approach to assess first-order constitutive relations. This allows us to derive the viscous transport for rotating gases in a consistent way. Finally, we will address the frame-dependence paradox, presenting a novel resolution that explains apparent discrepancies in the literature. Our construction resolves a fifty-year-old debate about the frame-indifferent formulation of kinetic theory.
The quark gluon plasma(QGP) is expected to exhibit a chiral imbalance known as the chiral anomaly which induces various anomalous currents, such as: the chiral magnetic effect(CME), the chiral vortical effect(CVE), the anomalous Hall effect(AHE) and so on. To describe these anomalous effects, one can use the chiral magnetohydrodynamics (CMHD).
We study the collective excitations and instabilities in a CMHD and focus on the anomalous Hall instability(AHI) which is due to the AHE in this talk.
Like the CME’s instability, the AHI is dependent on the value of k and appears in a limited scope which is decided by the AHE coefficient
Finally, we briefly discuss three different instabilities such as: the chiral plasma instability(CPI), the chiral magnetovortical instability(CMVI), the AHI and the possible relevance in QGP and other physical systems.
Hydrodynamic nonlinearity manifests itself as long time tail in the hydrodynamic correlation functions. This corresponds to the singularity of the correlation function in momentum space. We argue that the latter is actually a "pinched singularity" of the integrand in the integral associated with a bubble diagram. We then address how to find the pinched singularity by solving the "Landau Loop Equations" and thus find the long time tail. Finally, by using this approach we read the long time tails of the shear stress tensor correlation functions in two theories: relativistic hydrodynamics and (chiral) magnetohydrodynamics.