15–18 oct. 2018
Le Bois-Marie
Fuseau horaire Europe/Paris
Le thême 'nicecompact' n'existe pas.


The workshop will address fundamental features that determine the efficiency and control of information flow on directed networks,information retrieval, including also such fundamental properties of Google matrix as the fractal Weyl law, Anderson localization transitionfor Google matrix eigenstates.

The highlights and future developments of this research fieldwill be analyzed 20 years after the seminal article of Brin and Page (1998).

*-Keywords: Markov chains, complex networks, Google matrix,  information and financial flows, Wikipedia and cancer networks, recommender systems


   Andras Benczur (MTA SZTAKI Budapest)
   Dima Shepelyansky (CNRS-Univ. Paul Sabatier, Toulouse)
   Emmanuel Ullmo (IHES)

Scientific Advisory Board:

   Andras Benczur,
   Misha Gromov (IHES)
   Maxim Kontsevich (IHES)
   Dima Shepelyansky

List of speakers includes:

   Paolo BOLDI (Universita di Milano, IT)
   Jean-Philippe BOUCHAUD (CFM, Paris, FR)
   Sergey DOROGOVTSEV (University of Aveiro, PT)
   Leonardo ERMANN (Comisión Nacional de Energía Atómica, AR)
   Klaus FRAHM (Université de Toulouse, FR)
   Ravi KUMAR (Google CA, USA)
   Jose LAGES (Institut UTINAM, Besançon, FR)
   Yann LECUN (Facebook AI Research, US)
   Matteo MARSILI (ICTP Trieste, IT)
   Stéphane NONNENMACHER (Université Paris-Sud, FR)
   Robert PALOVICS (Hungarian Academy of Sciences, HU)
   Lior ROKACH (Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, IL)
   Jean-Jacques SLOTINE (MIT, US)
   Andrew TOMKINS (Google CA, USA)
   Piet VAN MIEGHEM ( Delft University of Technology , NL)
   Andrey ZINOVYEV (Institut Curie, FR)
