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- October 1st:
- Application to the poster session
- Request for the arrangement of an hotel room
- Request for the support of local and travel expenses
- November 19:
- Registration to the conference
- Registration to the social dinner
D-modules have recently played an important role in various fields of mathematics, including algebraic geometry, mathematical physics, arithmetic geometry, etc. The aim of this conference is to present several important developments related with D-modules. A series of survey talks on four active topics will be given by leading experts, together with research talks on related topics.
List of invited speakers (survey talks)
- Dima Arinkin, University of Wisconsin (Madison WI)
- Javier Fresán, École polytechnique (Palaiseau)
- Maxim Kontsevich, IHÉS (Bures sur Yvette)
- Jacopo Stoppa, SISSA (Trieste)
List of invited speakers (research talks)
- Joseph Ayoub, University of Zürich (Zürich)
- Roman Fedorov, University of Pittsburg (Pittsburgh, PA)
- Hiroshi Iritani, Kyoto University (Kyoto)
- Kohei Iwaki, Nagoya University (Nagoya)
- Motohico Mulase, University of California, Davis (Davis, CA)
- Hiraku Nakajima, Kavli IPMU, Tokyo University (Tokyo)
- Carlos Simpson, CNRS (Nice)
- Tomohide Terasoma, University of Tokyo (Tokyo)
- Yukinobu Toda, IPMU (Tokyo)
Scientific committee
- Takuro Mochizuki, RIMS, Kyoto University (Kyoto)
- Claude Sabbah, CNRS & Ecole polytechnique (Palaiseau)
- Masa-Hiko Saito, Kobe University (Kobe)
Financial support
- Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences
- JSPS grant 17H06127