- Indico style
- Indico style - inline minutes
- Indico style - numbered
- Indico style - numbered + minutes
- Indico Weeks View
The trimester is part of an ongoing effort to bridge two fields of Mathematics : the representation theory of locally compact groups and the theory of operator algebras. These research domains share origins in harmonic analysis, spectral theory and quantum mechanics but grew in separate directions. Recent progress in representation theory, involving especially non-Riemannian symmetric spaces and spherical varieties, and new tools developed in operator algebras, especially those involving K-theory and the other methods of non-commutative geometry, offer exciting prospects for new work at the interface between the two fields.
Research workshops and mini-courses will be the occasion for researchers at every career stage to get acquainted with recent developments in these areas, exchange ideas and explore new research directions.
Graduate students and post-doctoral researchers whose work connects to one or more of the topics of the trimester are particularly encouraged to participate.
January 6 to 10 — Introductory school at CIRM (Marseille): Methods in representation theory and operator algebras
January 13 to 17 — Minicourses: branching problems and symmetry-breaking
Coordinated by Toshiyuki Kobayashi, Michaël Pevzner and Birgit Speh.
January 20 to 24 — Workshop 1: Intertwining operators and geometry
January 27 to 31 and February 3 to 7 — Minicourses: the Baum–Connes conjecture and representation theory
February 5 — Topic day: Operator algebras, index theory and geometry
Coordinated by Pierre Clare and Nicolas Prudhon in celebration of Pierre Julg's career
February 10 ot 14 — Research talks on NCG, survey lecture and Carte Blanche
February 17 to 21 — Minicourse: structure of tempered homogeneous spaces (T. Kobayashi)
February 24 to 28 — Workshop 2: Tempered representations and K-theory
March 3 to 7 — p-adic week
Coordinated by Anne-Marie Aubert, Hung Yean Loke and Monica Nevins.
March 10 to 14 — Theta correspondence week
Coordinated by Hung Yean Loke and Tomasz Przebinda.
March 17 to 21 — Minicourse: AQFT and causal homogeneous spaces (K.-H. Neeb)
March 24 to 28 — Workshop 3: Analysis on homogeneous spaces and operator algebras
March 31 to April 4 — Wrap-up and discussion sessions
Back to the thematic trimester main page
Programme coordinated by the Centre Emile Borel at IHP
Sorbonne Université - CNRS
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