Nov 4 – 8, 2024
Institut de Mathématiques de Toulouse (IMT)
Europe/Paris timezone

This workshop is focused on recent results on high-dimensional (supervised and unsupervised) machine learning and statistical inference. It will in particular involve a round-table debate with top experts on this domain about the major open problems on the field and some promising trends and recent developments.

*This is a joint workshop with the CIMI Thematic Semester "Stochastic control and learning for complex networks"

List of confirmed speakers (other speakers will soon be announced): 

Keynote speakers

  • Giulio Biroli (ENS, France)
  • Francis Bach (INRIA, France)



  • Jean Barbier (ICTP, Italy)
  • Charles Bordenave (IMM, France)
  • Zhou Fan (Yale U., USA)
  • Yan Fyodorov (KCL, UK)
  • Quanquan Gu (UCLA, USA)
  • Aukosh Jagannath (Waterloo U., Canada)
  • Jonathan P. Keating (Oxford U., UK)
  • Marc Lelarge (ENS, France)
  • Cosme Louart ( Hong Kong U., China)
  • Bruno Loureiro (ENS, France)
  • Pascal Maillard (IMT, France)
  • Valentina Ros (Paris-Saclay U., France)
  • Subhabrata Sen (Harvard U., USA)
  • Beatriz Seoane (Paris-Saclay U., France)
  • Pragya Sur (Harvard U., USA)
  • Malik Tiomoko (Huawei)
  • Christos Thrampoulidis (British Columbia U., Canada)
  • Pierfrancesco Urbani (IPHT, France)
  • Yizhe Zhu (California Irvine U., USA)


More details coming soon.

Institut de Mathématiques de Toulouse (IMT)
Amphithéâtre Laurent Schwartz
Université Paul Sabatier 118 route de Narbonne Bât. 1R3 F-31062 Toulouse
Registration for this event is currently open.