Président.e de session :
Modérateur.trice : Nicolas Forcadel
Après l’exposé que j’avais intitulé "Deux ou trois choses qui sont nées du groupe de travail Maths-4-Covid-19 “ au séminaire du Laboratoire Jacques-Louis Lions en juin dernier
Algal Bloom is a natural process of rapid population growth of cyanobacteria (a group of photosynthetic bacteria) in aquatic environments, this is a consequence of the artificial enrichment caused by human activity. Our main objective is to build a hydro-ecological model to understand the dynamics of cyanobacteria in aquatic environments, taking into account the various essential factors for...
Reduced basis methods (RBM) is part of model reduction methods which
are used more and more in the industrial framework for rapid numerical
simulations without a loss of the accuracy. They can be considered as an
additional feature for a more classical simulation tool based on e.g.
finite element or finite volume, since the reduced basis is constructed
from these classical tools. One...
Our work deals with the construction of a second-order well-balanced Lagrange-projection scheme applied to the 1D Blood Flow Equations [Formaggia, Quarteroni, Veneziani 2009]. We study the model in the particular case in which the cross-sectional area at rest and the wall stiffness of the blood vessel could be not constant in space. Indeed, there exist physiological and pathological situations...
Microalgae are photosynthetic organisms whose potential has been proven in the last decade for several biotechnological applications (e.g.,Y. Chisti. Biodiesel from microalgae, Biotechnology Advances, 2007). These micro-organisms can be massively cultivated in closed or open photobioreactors. In this talk, we focus on the cultivation of algae in a raceway pond, where a paddle wheel is...
Les systèmes dissipatifs sont présents en physique et en biologie, par exemple les modèles cinétiques avec collisions, ou les modèles de population mélangeant migration rapide et démographie lente. Simuler ces systèmes de façon numérique présente un défi, à cause de la gamme de valeurs que peut prendre la raideur $1/\varepsilon$ : les méthodes usuelles subissent une réduction d'ordre en régime...
Many electromagnetic and acoustic applications require the ability to explore all solutions in a given frequency window. When the problem is large scale, strategies based on computing a large number of solutions from successive solver calls usually lead to prohibitive computational costs. This is especially the case when the solver relies on integral equations discretized using the boundary...
Swimming simulations are performed to study the performance of an active immersed body according to its shape and deforming movements. The deformation velocity of the body is usually imposed using a proper analytic formulation to model simple deforming movements. In the literature, more complex motions can be derived to model food, and prey captures (Bergmann et al.2011). To our knowledge,...
La simulation numérique directe (DNS) à nombre de Reynolds élevé du comportement d'un fluide décrit par les équations de Navier-Stokes est couteuse. Pour cette raison, on utilise des techniques comme la méthode de simulation des grandes échelles (LES) où l'on n'a pas besoin de résoudre l'intégralité de toutes les échelles, mais où l'effet des plus petites échelles sur les échelles résolues...
Glioblastoma Multiforme (GBM) is the deadliest and the most frequent brain tumour, only 5% of patients survive more than 5 years after being diagnosed. Patients go through emergency surgery and are being treated with both chemotherapy (Temozolomide) and radiotherapy. But those treatments still remain inefficient with that cancer because of the cellular heterogeneity.
In this work, the goal...
The Shallow water equations (also called Saint-Venant's equations) are the usual model governing fluid flow in the rivers, channels or the oceans. They are used, for example, for the protection of the environment, the prediction of tides and storm urges, the transport of the sediment or the study of floods. Some references in the literature propose an improvement of the Shallow water equations...
Hydrodynamic transport problems often take the form of hyperbolic conservation law systems (see e.g. [6, 5]). In this work we will focus on the Saint-Venant system which is still the utmost important model in maritime or fuvial hydraulics simulations, it governs the free surface shallow water flows. It was obtained from Navier-Stokes equations using adequate assumptions see [7]. Due to their...
In this work, we examine a hybrid Monte-Carlo/deterministic resolution for the parabolic time-dependent diffusion equation as a toy problem. The aim is to treat neutron transport problems where these Monte-Carlo resolutions are most often called for.
We consider two different solvers: a “coarse” solver based on a deterministic finite-element resolution and a “fine” solver based on a...
Optic neuropathies such as glaucoma are often late-onset, progressive and incurable diseases.
Despite the recent progress in clinical research, there are still numerous open questions regarding the etiology of these disorders and their pathophysiology.
Furthermore, data on ocular posterior tissues are difficult to estimate noninvasively and their clinical interpretation remains challenging...
Cardiac mitochondria are intracellular organelles that play an important role
in energy metabolism and cellular calcium regulation.
This is done through intra mitochondrial reactions and ionic fluxes across the
inner mitochondrial membrane.
In particular, cardiac mitochondria influence the excitation-contraction cycle of the heart cell.
We proposed previously a mathematical model of...
A multi-scale finite element method (MsFEM) is a finite element approach that allows to solve partial differential equations (PDEs) with highly oscillatory coefficients on a coarse mesh, that is, a mesh with elements of size much larger than the characteristic scale of the oscillations [1, 2]. To do so, MsFEMs use pre-computed basis functions adapted to the differential operator that comprizes...
Dans cet exposé, nous nous intéresserons à la résolution de problèmes de diffraction par formulation intégrale avec la présence de cavités elliptiques. Plus précisément, nous utiliserons une formulation intégrale classique, dite équation combinée des champs (Combined Field Integral Equation, ou CFIE) discrétisée par éléments de frontière et GMRes (Generalized Minimal Residual method) comme...
Préserver l'énergie et les lois de Gauss au niveau discret fait partie des critères de stabilité en temps long des approximations du modèle de Vlasov-Maxwell. Diverses méthodes existent qui garantissent ces lois de conservation, dont la plupart procède par des discrétisations temporelles complètement implicites. Dans ces cas, l'intégration des trajectoires des particules met en jeu un grand...
Numerical analysis of DDFV schemes for semiconductors energy-transport models.
The energy transport system, [2,3], is composed by two continuity equations (one for the density of electrons, one for the density of internal energy), coupled with a Poisson equation for the electric potential; the two densities depend non-linearly on the unknowns, the chemical potential and the temperature....
Dans cette communication, je considérerai un problème d'homogénéisation pour l'équation de diffusion $-div\left(a(./\varepsilon) \nabla u_{\varepsilon} \right) = f$ où le coefficient $a$ décrit une géométrie périodique perturbée par un défaut non localisé mais devenant rare à l'infini. Plus précisément, l'ensemble des coefficients étudiés s'écriront comme la somme d'un coefficient périodique...
The objective of this talk is to study the homogenization of the Poisson equation in a non periodically perforated domain (see [1]). In this setting, the size of the perforations is proportional to the distance between neighbouring cells and scales like $\varepsilon \ll 1$. More precisely, we consider the problem
- \Delta u_{\varepsilon} & = f \quad...
La localisation et la reconstruction de défauts à l’intérieur de guides d’ondes acoustiques ou électro- magnétiques est un enjeux important du contrôle non destructif des structures, par exemple pour évaluer l’état de tuyaux, de fibres optiques ou de rails de trains [1]. Le problème de reconstruction d’inhomogénéités à l’intérieur d’un guide d’onde à été étudié par différents auteurs, par...
In our work, the three-scale homogenization methods are proposed to study the electrical behavior of the cardiac tissue structure with multiple heterogeneities at two different levels. The first level associated with the mesoscopic structure such that the cardiac tissue is composed at extracellular $\Omega_e$ and intracellular $\Omega_i$ domains separated by cellular membrane $ \Gamma=\partial...
In this talk, we formalize the approach originally introduced in [Cottereau, R. (2013). Numerical strategy for unbiased homogenization of random materials. International journal for numerical methods in engineering, 95(1), 71-90]. The approach aims at evaluating the effective (a.k.a. homogenized) coefficient of a medium with some fine-scale structure. It combines, using the Arlequin coupling...
The Hybrid high-order (HHO) method was originally devised for diffusion and elasticity problems [1, 2], and the realm of applications has been considerably extended since then. In this work, we consider the version of the HHO method that uses as discrete unknowns cell- and face-based polynomials of degree (k + 1) (cells) and k (faces) order with 0 ≤ k, yielding for steady problems optimal...
We show that the Strang splitting method applied to a diffusion-reaction equation with inhomogeneous general oblique boundary conditions is of order two when the diffusion equation is solved with the Crank-Nicolson method, while order reduction occurs in general if using other Runge-Kutta schemes or even the exact flow itself for the diffusion part. We also show that this method recovers...
Président.e de session : Thierry Horsin
Modérateur.trice : Nicolas Forcadel
Florence Hubert, professor at the Institute of Mathematics of Marseille, is working on the developpement of numerical tools for biological issues. Her main research interests are developping new models...
Quelques éléments :
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- Sondage
Modérateur.trice : Mathieu Aussal
Président.e de session : Laetitia Giraldi
Modérateur.trice : Matthieu Aussal
Cemosis is the platform for mathematical collaboration at the interface with companies and other
disciplines. Collaborative research projects are essentially between mathematics and physics...
In this work, we implement a reduced-order model-based parareal method for solving the two-dimensional nonlinear shallow water equations and we propose a modification of the method for further stability and convergence improvements.
The parareal method was firstly introduced in [1] as an approach for overcoming the trade-off between high-fidelity results and computational costs when...
We consider a sharp-diffuse interfaces seawater intrusion model [3] in
coastal aquifers. This process leads to a coupled system of two nonlinear parabolic partial differential equations simulating two immiscible fluids considering the dynamics of transition zones.
To the discretization in time, we apply a cell-centred Multi-Point Flux Approximation (MPFA-O) finite volume...
Le précédé de fabrication additive par fusion de poudre consiste à fabriquer un objet couche par couche. Sur la pièce en construction est déposé un lit de poudre métallique qu’une source d’énergie suivant une trajectoire préalablement fixée fait fondre. La solidification résulte du refroidissement de la pièce. La trajectoire de la source est essentielle: non seulement elle influe sur la...
This work is concerned with optimization problems arising in an energy distribution system with storage. We start from the derivation of a simplified network topology model around four nodes: load aggregator, the external grid, consumption and storage, taking into account the charging (resp. discharging) efficiencies. The imported power from the external grid should balance the consumption and...
In this work we present the mathematical model and simulations of a particular wave energy converter, the so-called oscillating water column. In this device, waves governed by the one- dimensional nonlinear shallow water equations arrive from offshore, encounter a step in the bottom and then arrive into a chamber to change the volume of the air to activate the turbine. The system...
Le propergol solide est l’un des principaux combustibles utilisés dans les moteurs-fusées. Il s’agit d’un matériau solide composé généralement de particules d’oxydant mélangées dans une matrice de liant. Lorsque la surface du matériau est portée à haute température (typiquement 800K), une réaction de pyrolyse et de sublimation transforme la matière en surface en espèces gazeuses...
The problem of radiative transfer describes the interaction between light and matter, therefore it appears in many astrophysical systems, such as atmospheric physics (Chandrasekhar, 1960). Instead of solving a complex equation in a seven dimensional space, one can use a moment model by averaging over the direction of propagation to follow the radiative energy, flux, pressure, etc in a five...
En optimisation de forme, on s'intéresse à des problèmes de type: $$\inf_{\Omega\in F}J(\Omega),$$ où $J:\Omega\in F\longmapsto J(\Omega)\in \mathbb{R}$ est une fonctionnelle et $F$ une classe de sous-ensembles de $\mathbb{R}^n$, avec $n\ge 1$. Il est assez classique en optimisation de forme de s'intéresser à la classe des convexes: en effet cette contrainte géométrique implique en général...
In the field of nuclear energy, computations of complex two-phase flows are required for the design and safety studies of nuclear reactors. In general, there exists two families of numerical methods for the simulation of two-phase flows. Firstly, colocated schemes ([2]) are usually used on unstructured meshes where the unknowns are located in the same place (cell-centered). On the other hand,...
Le problème physique concerne la propagation d'ondes scalaires dans le cadre de l'élasticité linéaire anti-plane en 2D à travers une rangée périodique d'inclusions $\cup_i\Omega_i$ intégrée dans une matrice $\Omega_m$, les deux milieux étant supposés homogènes et isotropes. La longueur d'onde $\lambda$ dans la matrice est supposée être beaucoup plus grande que l'espacement $h$ entre les...
Many phenomena in chemical physics involve calculating the electrostatic interaction between charged dielectric particles embedded in a polarisable continuum undergoing mutual polarisation. In order to tackle this problem, E. Lindgren et al. (J. Comput. Phys. 371 (2018): 712-731) have proposed a numerical method based on a Galerkin discretisation of a boundary integral equation (BIE) of the...
L'optimisation topologique permet d'ordinaire l'allégement d'une pièce sans faire varier ses liaisons mécaniques à un assemblage. On propose ici une autre approche en s'autorisant à optimiser simultanément la structure d'une pièce, d'une part, et la position ainsi que le nombre de ses liaisons, d'autre part. On s'intéresse aux liaisons vissées soumises à un état de précontrainte. La...
In this talk we present a nonlinear mathematical model of a particular wave energy converter, the so-called oscillating water column. In this device, waves governed by the one-dimensional nonlinear shallow water equations arrive from the offshore, encounter a step in the bottom topography and then arrive into a chamber to change the volume of the air to activate the turbine. The system is...
Considering two random variables with different laws to which we only have access through finite size iid samples, we address how to reweight the first sample so that its empirical distribution converges towards the true law of the second sample as the size of both samples goes to infinity. We study an optimal reweighting that minimizes the Wasserstein distance [1] between the empirical...
Dans cet exposé nous nous intéressons à un problème de biologie dont le but est d'expliquer la forme particulière des oeufs de petits crustacés vivant dans des mares éphémères. Nous supposons que la forme des oeufs est issue d'un processus évolutif qui tend à l'optimiser vis à vis de certains critères. Pour cela nous adoptons une démarche de modélisation inverse, qui consiste à proposer un...
Les matériaux de Cosserat, introduits dans [1], comparés aux matériaux standards de Cauchy, contiennent en sus une micro-rotation locale notée $\phi$. Leur cinématique est donc plus riche et permet de faire apparaître des effets d'échelles dans certains calculs. L'utilisation des matériaux de Cosserat est par exemple indiquée dans le calcul du cisaillement de failles pour lesquels les calculs...
We present a topology optimization approach for the design of fluid-to-fluid heat exchangers which rests on an explicit meshed discretization of the phases at stake, at every iteration of the optimization process. The considered physical situations involve a weak coupling between the Navier--Stokes equations for the velocity and the pressure in the fluid, and the convection--diffusion equation...
De nombreux algorithmes existent aujourd'hui pour résoudre les équations de Kohn-Sham en calcul de structure électronique. Ils sont soit basés sur la minimisation sous contraintes de l'énergie ou sur des itérations de point fixe pour résoudre la formulation auto-cohérente du problème. Il n'est pas clair quelle classe d'algorithmes est la plus efficace et la plus robuste en fonction des...
Soit $N, m , d \in \mathbb{N}^*$, $\Omega$ un ouvert borné régulier de $\mathbb{R}^d$, $\omega$ un ouvert inclus dans $\Omega$ et $T>0$. On considère un système linéaire parabolique de $N$ équations couplées avec contrôle interne sur $\omega$, de la forme
\tag{1} \left {
\begin{array}{l l l}
\partial_t Y - D \Delta Y &= A Y + B u \mathbf{1}_{\omega} &\text{sur } \Omega_T,...
In this presentation, we will talk about networks of $d \in \mathbb{N}$ scalar conservation laws with positive characteristic velocities. The interaction takes place at the boundary, where a feedback operator acts. The open loop system is given below with $H$ a square matrix given by the physics having a destabilizing effect:
R_t + [f(R)]_x &=&...
Dans cet exposé, nous considérons l'utilisation d'intégrateurs exponentiel à un problème purement hyperbolique. Les méthodes exponentielles sont intéressantes pour résoudre des problèmes cinétiques car elles éliminent la condition de CFL induite par la partie linéaire du problème, qui en pratique est souvent la contrainte de stabilité la plus contraignante. Dans des travaux antérieurs[1], ces...
The aim of molecular dynamics is to study the time-evolution of a microscopic system of $N$ particles in order to deduce various of its macroscopic properties. To do so, one needs to sample the Boltzmann-Gibbs measure $\mu_{V} \propto exp(-\beta V)$ where $V$ is the system's potential energy and $\beta$ is the thermodynamic beta. A classical process used in this scope is the overdamped...
Progresser dans la modélisation physico-numérique des effets liés à la délocalisation du transport électronique au sein des plasmas créés par laser est aujourd'hui un enjeu majeur pour la FCI (Fusion par Confinement Inertiel). On s'intéresse au transport hors équilibre thermodynamique local des électrons dans le cadre de la fermeture des équations de la MHD (Magnéto-Hydrodynamique)...
We introduce and study a notion of Asymptotic Preserving schemes, related to convergence in distribution, for a class of slow-fast Stochastic Differential Equations (SDE). We focus on an example in the so-called diffusion approximation regime: $dX^\epsilon_t = \frac{\sigma(X^\epsilon_t) m^\epsilon_t}{\epsilon} dt$, where $dm^\epsilon_t = -\frac{m^\epsilon_t}{\epsilon^2} dt + \frac{1}{\epsilon}...
The mechanical Contact between two bodies is one of the most difficult problems in solid mechanics, indeed the material non-linearity must be taken into account and the contact area is unknown. In the case of frictional contact another non-linearity must be considered and makes the problem even more difficult. There exist several algorithms to solve the contact problems [3], most of them...
We discretize the unsteady incompressible Navier-Stokes equations by means of face-based Compatible Discrete Operator (CDO) schemes in space and either monolithic or fractional time stepping methods. CDO schemes [Bonelle, Ern, M2AN, 48(2):553-581, 2014] provide low-order discretizations and are part of the so-called mimetic schemes. CDO schemes can handle polytopal, nonmatching or deformed...
Le but de ce travail est de démontrer un résultat d'homogénéisation stochastique sur une jonction (homogénéisation précisée). Ce travail est motivé par les applications au trafic routier. Le trafic routier peut être modéliser à deux échelles: microscopique et macroscopique. Chaque échelle a ses propres avantages et désavantages. L'importance de l'homogénéisation précisée est de trouver des...
Systems of interacting particles appear in a wide variety of applications, ranging from plasma physics and galactic dynamics to mathematical biology, the social sciences, dynamical density functional theory (DDFT) and machine learning. In this presentation, we study systems of interacting particles of the type
{d X_t^i \over d t} = -\left(V'(X_t^i) + \theta \,...
The Keller-Segel model is used to represent chemotaxis among living organisms. This movement is observed in a wide range of situations in nature, such as the motion of bacteria, immune and cancer cells toward biological signals.
This model is a nonlinear Fokker-Planck equation, well-known for its mathematical difficulty.
Numerous numerical techniques exist to simulate this equation. However,...