Thematic 3-weeks programme at the Institut Henri Poincaré, Paris, May 5th to 23rd, 2025.
Programme talks and conference are in the new IHP building, Perrin building, Maison Poincaré.
Beware: It was reported to us that scammers are sending to participants fraudulent e-mails about accomodation/fees. Please be particularly cautious about e-mails not coming from the organisers nor from an address.
The goal of the program is to foster discussions and collaborations among researchers that have different areas of expertise relevant for the key open issues in the fields of neutrinos and dark matter, and to train PhD students, postdocs and young researchers that might not be in both fields yet. The IHP program will offer a positive and stimulating environment to host discussions and brainstormings around debated open issues at the frontier between dark matter and neutrinos, at a moment where related experimental progress will attract unique international attention to these fields.
The program comprises one week school and two weeks' workshop.
Lectures and Lecturers:
Topics include:
Neutrinos from DM in compact bodies
Stellar cooling and stellar capture of DM
Neutrinos from DM annihilations and decays
Neutrino telescopes as DM detectors
Sterile neutrinos
The “neutrino floor”
Neutrinos and cosmology
Neutrino astrophysics and new connections
Kevork Abazajian (UC Irvine), Asimina Arvanitaki (Perimeter Institute), A. Baha Balantekin (Winsconsin U.), John Beacom (Ohio State U.), Itay Bloch (UC Berkeley), Torsten Bringmann (U. Oslo), Raffaele T. D’Agnolo (IPhT Saclay), Yohei Ema (Minnesota U.), Tobias Fischer (Wroclaw U.), Rebecca Gozzini (IFIC Valencia), Kumiko Kotera (IAP), Rebecca Leane (SLAC), M.C. David Marsh (Stockholm), Gail McLaughlin (North Carolina State U.), Sergio Palomares-Ruiz (IFIC Valencia), David Radice (Penn State U.), Sanjay Reddy (INT Seattle), Kate Scholberg (Duke U.), Manibrata Sen (MPI Heidelberg), Alexey Yuri Smirnov (MPI Heidelberg).
Organising committee:
Scientific committee:
The program receives also support from the Masterproject NUFRONT of CNRS Nucléaire et Particules.