A gentle introduction to data assimilation and HPC Applications on an HPC platform

302 (Université Française en Arménie)


Université Française en Arménie

Faculty of Computer sciences and applied Mathematics IIAP NAS RA 1 Paruyr Sevak street Yerevan
Fabrice Gamboa (Université Paul Sabatier)


Asian and European Schools in Mathematics (AESIM)

A gentle introduction to data assimilation and HPC 

Applications on an HPC platform

Par Սէրուժ Ուրիշեան (Serouj Ourishian) — Travail personnel, CC BY 4.0


 Yerevan Armenia June 15-22 2024

The school will be held at the Faculty of Computer sciences and applied Mathematics IIAP NAS RA 1 Paruyr Sevak street Yerevan-Room 302 (June, 15-21). The project defences and Diploma ceremony will held at French University in Armenia 1st Building, 10 Davit Anhaght Street, Yerevan (June 22 morning)


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Chair of the organizing committee
    • Presentation of the school and round table: Presentation of the school and round table-ROOM 302 302


      Université Française en Arménie

      Faculty of Computer sciences and applied Mathematics IIAP NAS RA 1 Paruyr Sevak street Yerevan
    • Lectures 1 Introduction to data assimilation 302


      Université Française en Arménie

      Faculty of Computer sciences and applied Mathematics IIAP NAS RA 1 Paruyr Sevak street Yerevan
    • Lectures 1 Introduction to data assimilation 302


      Université Française en Arménie

      Faculty of Computer sciences and applied Mathematics IIAP NAS RA 1 Paruyr Sevak street Yerevan
    • Introduction to data assimilation-Practical session 302


      Université Française en Arménie

      Faculty of Computer sciences and applied Mathematics IIAP NAS RA 1 Paruyr Sevak street Yerevan
    • Lectures 1 Introduction to data assimilation 302


      Université Française en Arménie

      Faculty of Computer sciences and applied Mathematics IIAP NAS RA 1 Paruyr Sevak street Yerevan
    • Lectures 1 Introduction to data assimilation 302


      Université Française en Arménie

      Faculty of Computer sciences and applied Mathematics IIAP NAS RA 1 Paruyr Sevak street Yerevan
    • Introduction to data assimilation-Practical session 302


      Université Française en Arménie

      Faculty of Computer sciences and applied Mathematics IIAP NAS RA 1 Paruyr Sevak street Yerevan
    • Lectures 2 Introduction to HPC computing 302


      Université Française en Arménie

      Faculty of Computer sciences and applied Mathematics IIAP NAS RA 1 Paruyr Sevak street Yerevan
    • Lectures 2 Introduction to HPC computing 302


      Université Française en Arménie

      Faculty of Computer sciences and applied Mathematics IIAP NAS RA 1 Paruyr Sevak street Yerevan
    • Introduction to HPC computing-Practical session 302


      Université Française en Arménie

      Faculty of Computer sciences and applied Mathematics IIAP NAS RA 1 Paruyr Sevak street Yerevan
    • Lectures 2 Introduction to HPC computing 302


      Université Française en Arménie

      Faculty of Computer sciences and applied Mathematics IIAP NAS RA 1 Paruyr Sevak street Yerevan
    • Lectures 2 Introduction to HPC computing 302


      Université Française en Arménie

      Faculty of Computer sciences and applied Mathematics IIAP NAS RA 1 Paruyr Sevak street Yerevan
    • Introduction to HPC computing-Practical session 302


      Université Française en Arménie

      Faculty of Computer sciences and applied Mathematics IIAP NAS RA 1 Paruyr Sevak street Yerevan
    • Preparation of projects 302


      Université Française en Arménie

      Faculty of Computer sciences and applied Mathematics IIAP NAS RA 1 Paruyr Sevak street Yerevan
    • Preparation of projects-computing session 302


      Université Française en Arménie

      Faculty of Computer sciences and applied Mathematics IIAP NAS RA 1 Paruyr Sevak street Yerevan
    • Project defences
    • Diploma ceremony