Sep 27 – 29, 2022
aula Marconi CNR Piazzale Aldo Moro 7 Roma
Europe/Paris timezone


                 ROUND MEANFIELD  





This small franco-italian workshop is dedicated to exploring relationships between particle systems and their mean field and graph limits, that are now ubiquitous in a number of research problems.

Among them and  far of being exhaustive, let us mention the study of opinion dynamics, collective behaviors, passage from micro to macroscopic scale in biology or in multi-agent systems.

The main objective is to have a collaborative meeting between different research groups,to create a friendly exchange area among the participants, which will be able to present and discuss their ongoing works on such topics.


ROUND MEANFIELD  will present   talks given by Nathalie AYI,  Benoit BONNET,  Giacomo BORGHI, Emiliano CRISTIANI, Pierre DEGOND,  Marco Di FRANCESCO,  Marta MENCI,  Roberto NATALINI, Lorenzo PARESCHI. Nastassia POURADIER DUTEIL  David POYATO, Mario PULVIRENTI,  Thierry PAUL, Stefano ROSSI and Emmanuel TRÉLAT.

Scientific and Organization committee: Roberto Natalini, Thierry Paul and Emmanuel Trélat



Round Meanfield will take place while Thierry Paul is temporarly assigned to the IRL  LYSM "Ypatia Laboratory of Mathematical Sciences"

The International Research Laboratory IRL  LYSM "Ypatia Laboratory of Mathematical Sciences" was created on December 10 2021 by an agreement between the  CNRS (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique), and  the INdAM  (l’Istituto Nazionale di Alta Matematica). Its  task  is to help scientific collaborations by supporting financialy missions and conferences. More generaly, LYSM want to facilitate scientific exchanges between France and Italy in all fields of mathematics.



IMPORTANT WARNING: due to a limited number of seats in the aula Marconi, the registration is mandatory (but free).


This workshop is supported by the Istituto per le Applicazioni del Calcolo "M.Picone" - Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, and by the Laboratoire Jacques-Louis Lions - Sorbonne Université.

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aula Marconi CNR Piazzale Aldo Moro 7 Roma
Piazzale Aldo Moro, 7, Roma Italia

WARNING: due to the size of the lecture rooms, the registration  to Ypatia Conference 2022  is free but mandatory