In-vitro, in-silico,  and in-matematico organs-on-chips: biomathematical potential and strategies for the development of a digital twin approach of biological models.


Francesca Bertani (CNR-IFN)), Gabriella Bretti (CNR-IAC),   Luca Businaro (CNR-IFN),  Annamaria Gerardino (CNR-IFN), Marta Menci (Campus Bio-medico), Roberto Natalini (CNR-IAC), Thierry Paul (CNRS-LYSM), orgs.

This  event aims to focuses on understanding how to integrate the  concepts  present in the title in scientific discussions involving researchers working in a large scope of different fields.
 For this reason, the conference will request presentations that address the topics of in-silico, in-matematico and advanced in-vitro models from a general standpoint, methodologies, and the questions/responses to be offered to  other domains, including mathematics. The final aim is to help to build a common language that allows, on one hand, those with a biological background to understand what to expect and what to ask of the models, particularly in-silico models, and on the other hand, for modelers to understand the questions that need to be answered, and which tools are most suitable, in particular in contact with the mathematical community. The scientific organization of the event will include the CNR D3-4HEALTH partners, the CNRS IRL LYSM, Laboratoire Ypatia des Sciences Mathématiques, and the Italian Society for Organ-on-Chip. 

The goal is to bring together  active  and proven researchers from the various sectors involved  to reflect on the topics mentioned, also through roundtable discussions or other forms of debate, with the perspective to stream the event  to other  people,  particularly PhD students and young researchers. 





Preliminary list of Speakers:

Vincent Calvez (Laboratoire de Mathématiques de Bretagne Atlantique, Brest)

Liesbet Geris (université de Liège and KU Leuven) (TBC)

Christian Maass (esqLABS, Saterland)

Arnau Montagud (Barcelona Supercomputing Center)

Clair Poignard (Centre Inria de l’Université de Rennes)

Luigi Preziosi (Politecnico di Torino)


IMPORTANT WARNING: due to a limited number of seats, the registration is mandatory (but free).







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Cnr Piazzale Aldo Moro 7 Roma Italia