New Trends in the Numerical Analysis of PDEs

Amphitheater, Building B (Inria Center at the University of Lille)

Amphitheater, Building B

Inria Center at the University of Lille

Parc scientifique de la Haute-Borne, 40 avenue Halley, 59650 Villeneuve d'Ascq – France

News: Program is available here!



The goal of this event is to gather experts in the numerical analysis of PDEs. The spectrum of the conference is deliberately broad, and open to different active branches of the domain, such as:

  • Physical modeling with PDEs
  • Design and analysis of structure-preserving numerical schemes
  • High-order numerical methods on general meshes 
  • A priori and a posteriori analysis of numerical methods
  • Model reduction and high performance computing


Confirmed speakers



Practical information

Registration is free but mandatory. You can submit an abstract for the Tuesday's poster session. Limited funding is available for early stage researchers upon demand.



  • Alexandre MOUTON
  • Amélie Dupouy
  • Andrea Natale
  • Andrea Thomann
  • Antoine Zurek
  • Brahim Alouini
  • caterina calgaro
  • Christina Mahmoud
  • Claire Chainais-Hillairet
  • Clément Cancès
  • Céline Grandmont
  • Dietmar Gallistl
  • Eitan Tadmor
  • Elise Grosjean
  • Emmanuel Creusé
  • emmanuel Franck
  • Eric Sonnendrücker
  • Farah Chaaban
  • Fatima BOUYGHF
  • Francesca Rapetti
  • Francis Filbet
  • François Madiot
  • Genevieve Dusson
  • Guillaume Dujardin
  • Iain Smears
  • Ilaria Perugia
  • Ismail MERABET
  • Jean Cauvin-Vila
  • Jerome Droniou
  • Jia Jia Qian
  • Julien Dron
  • Julien Moatti
  • Katherine MacKenzie
  • Khaled Saleh
  • Margherita Castellano
  • Marien-Lorenzo Hanot
  • Mario Ohlberger
  • Martin Licht
  • Marwa Salah
  • Maxime Herda
  • Maxime Jonval
  • Noel Walkington
  • olivier goubet
  • Patrick Farrell
  • Silvano Pitassi
  • Simon Lemaire
  • Tino Laidin
  • Virginie Ehrlacher
  • Youssef Essadaoui