Annamaria Chiarini
(Goethe University)
After formulating the angular momentum conservation in a covariant form, we consider the equations of spin hydrodynamics in the background of an uncharged fluid in global equilibrium with a non-vanishing thermal vorticity.
Assuming that the spin degrees of freedom are not in equilibrium, we derive relaxation-type equations for the components of the spin potential.
These equations generalize the existing literature on the spin waves which were derived on top of a fluid in a hydrostatic state, where the thermal vorticity is zero.
Our purpose is to understand the dynamics of relaxation of the spin potential to the thermal vorticity in a simple setup and also pave the way for realistic numerical simulations.
Auteurs principaux
Masoud Shokri
(Goethe University)
Annamaria Chiarini
(Goethe University)