November 26, 2023 to December 2, 2023
Europe/Paris timezone

Introductory school at Institut d'Etudes Scientifiques de Cargèse

Quantum many-body systems out-of-equilibrium, Cargèse

November 26th to December 2nd, 2023 

This school is part of the thematic trimester program "Quantum many-body systems out-of-equilibrium" held at Institut Henri Poincaré, Paris


We will target this school around 5 themes: (1) spin systems, (2) integrable systems; (3) open quantum systems; (4) Luttinger's theory of liquids; (5) quantum transport theory.

Each theme will be discussed and developed during 3 lesson sessions of one and a half hours each.

The participants will be  requested to present a short talk or a poster. We will select the participants and the speakers with the help of the scientific committee.




Confirmed courses:


  • Quantum thermodynamics (Liliana Arrachea (Uni. San Martín, Buenos Aires)
  • Integrable systems (Jean-Sébastien Caux, Uni. Amsterdam) 
  • Open quantum systems (Tony Jin, InPhyNi, Nice)
  • Luttinger liquids (Thierry Giamarchi, Uni. Genève) 
  • Theoretical approaches to quantum many-body non-equilibrium (Johannes Schachenmayer, Uni. Strasbourg)




  Monday 27/11 Tuesday 28/11           Wednesday 29/11 Thursday 30/11 Friday 01/12


08:45-10.15 Integrable systems (I) Luttinger liquids (I) Quantum thermodynamics (II) Luttinger liquids (II) Theoretical approaches to quantum many-body non-equilibrium (III)
10:15-10:45 coffee break coffee break coffee break coffee break coffee break
10:45-12.15 Theoretical approaches to quantum many-body non-equilibrium (I) Integrable systems (II) Open quantum systems (I) Open quantum systems (II) Quantum thermodynamics (III)
14:00-16:00 poster presentation  poster session (I) 

free afternoon

 poster session (II) Luttinger liquids (III) (14:30-16:00)
16:00-16:30 coffee break coffee break 


 coffee break coffee break
16:30-18:00 Quantum thermodynamics (I) Theoretical approaches to quantum many-body non-equilibrium  (II) 

scientific discussions

 Integrable systems (III) Open quantum systems (III)

welcome dinner aperitif






Scientific Committee:


Giovanna Morigi (Saarbrücken, Germany)

Maxim Olshanii (Boston, USA)

Marcos Rigol (Philadelphia, USA)

Nicolaj Zinner (Aarhus University) 



Organization Committe:


Rosario Fazio (Trieste, Italy)

Thierry Giamarchi (Genève, Suisse)

Anna Minguzzi (Grenoble, France)

Patrizia Vignolo (Nice, France)




Shuttles organization on the 26th of November (from the airport of Ajaccio)

There will be two shuttles:

  • a first shuttle leaving at 3pm
  • a second shuttle leaving after the arrival of the participants flying in the plane from Paris that should land at 6:25 pm


Participants should have received a message concerning their shuttle.


Lodging information

Everybody will be lodged at the Institute (terminus of the shuttle)
