2024-T1 Quantum many-body systems out-of-equilibrium
Thematic trimester programme at Institut Henri Poincaré, Paris
The conferences and courses of this programme will also be accessible online.
Registration is free but mandatory for both the main programme AND workshops you wish to attend.
Important: the deadline for financial support request is closed.
Main scientific event:
January 8th to March 22nd, 2024: Quantum many-body systems out-of-equilibrium (IHP, Paris).
Introductory School:
November 26th to December 2nd, 2023: IESC Cargèse (Corsica)
February 5th to 9th: Quantum Simulators (IHP, Paris)
March 18th to 20th: Driven Quantum Systems (IHP, Paris)
Organizing committee:
Rosario Fazio (ICTP)
Thierry Giamarchi (University of Geneva)
Anna Minguzzi (University Grenoble-Alpes, CNRS)
Patrizia Vignolo (University Côte d’Azur, CNRS)
Scientific committee:
Jean-Sébastien Caux (Amsterdam)
Jakob Yngvason (Vienna)
Corinna Kollath (Bonn, Germany)
Macjei Lewenstein (Barcelona, Spain)
Giovanna Morigi (Saarbrücken, Germany)
Maxim Olshanii (Boston, USA)
Marcos Rigol (Philadelphia, USA)
Païvi Törmä (Aalto University)
Nikolaj Thomas Zinner (Aarhus University)
Programme coordinated by the Centre Emile Borel at IHP
Sorbonne Université, CNRS
March 2024
- Mar 18 - Mar 20