Workshop Accelerated Computing For Fusion

34 (Maidon de la Simulation)


Maidon de la Simulation

Maison de la Simulation USR 3441 Bâtiment 565 - Digiteo CEA Saclay 91191 Gif-sur-Yvette cedex
La nouvelle édition du Workshop "Accelerated Computing For Fusion ", se tiendra à la Maison de la Simulation, les 28 (après-midi) et 29 (matin & après-midi) novembre., savoir : lundi 28 de 15h à 17h, mardi 29 de 9h à 12h - en duplex video (comme l’année précédente) avec le Japon (Rokkasho plus JAEA) mardi 29 de 14h à 17h - avec table-ronde en dernière partie C'est la 3e édition de ce Workshop - les deux autres (à l'époque titrées "MIC Workshop") s'étant déroulées au même endroit (17-18/3/2015 et 15-16/05/2014) ; voir : et ============================ English The last edition of the "Workshop for Accelerated Computing in Fusion", will take place at the Maison de la Simulation in Paris-Saclay (France) on November Monday 28 (afternoon ) and Tuesday 29. This workshop is a follow-up of two previous editions (at that time title "MIC Workshop") that took place (in 2014 and 2015) at the Maison de la Simulation, dedicated for (international) people such as code developers (mainly, but not only, for Fusion), people from vendors, people from computer science and numerical analysis - see previous edition agendas at : , and This workshop is fully open to anybody who wants to attend, and registration is free.
  • Abel Marin-Lafleche
  • Adrien Bruneton
  • Bielle Benjamin
  • Jacques DAVID
  • Marie Dominique Lacroix Dore
  • Matthieu Haefele
  • Refloch alain
  • Serge Petiton
  • Serhiy Mochalskyy
  • Xinzhe WU
  • Monday, November 28
    • First day, afternoon session
      • 3:00 PM
        Welcome Address (1)
      • 1
        Processors Evolution
        Speaker: Dr Guillaume Colin de Verdière (CEA)
      • 2
        Towards Intelligent Linear Algebra Methods and Multi-Level Computing
        Speaker: Prof. Serge Petiton (CNRS & MdlS)
      • 4:25 PM
        Discussion & wrap-up
  • Tuesday, November 29
    • Second day, morning
      • 9:00 AM
        Welcome address (2)
      • 3
        Optimization of fusion kernels on accelerators (remote from Japan)
        Speaker: Dr Yuuichi ASAHI (CEA & JAEA)
      • 4
        HPC Architectures Evolution : the case of Marconi, the new CINECA flagship system
        Speaker: Dr Piero LANUCARA (CINECA)
      • 5
        Efficient Parallel Programming on Xeon Phi for Exascale
        Speaker: Dr Eric PETIT (INTEL)
      • 11:00 AM
        Short break
      • 6
        HLST/CINCOMP experience with new architectures : moving from helios to marconi
        Speaker: Dr Serhiy MOCHALSKYY (HLST)
    • Second day, afternoon
      • 7
        French accelerator technological watch experience
        Speaker: Dr Gabriel HAUTREUX (GENCI)
      • 8
        NVIDIA accelerators experience and vision
        Speaker: Dr François COURTEILLE (NVIDIA)
      • 9
        BULL experience with accelerators and Exascale Vision
        Speaker: Dr Jean-Pierre PANZIERA (ATOS/Bull)
      • 3:30 PM
        Short Break
      • 10
        Panel : new issues and future directions in accelerated HPC
      • 5:15 PM
        Discussions & wrap-up