22–26 juil. 2024
West University of Timisoara
Fuseau horaire Europe/Bucharest

Dynamical generation of canonical spin potential in hot QCD

23 juil. 2024, 17:30
Amphitheater A11 (West University of Timisoara)

Amphitheater A11

West University of Timisoara

Bulevardul Vasile Pârvan 4, Timișoara 300223, Romania https://www.uvt.ro/en/


Matteo Buzzegoli (West University of Timisoara)


Spin hydrodynamics relies on the non-unique definition of the spin tensor, representing the distribution of spin degrees of freedom, but different spin tensors lead to different physical results. In general, this pseudogauge symmetry represents a significant theoretical ambiguity in relativistic out-of-equilibrium statistical mechanics. This ambiguity may be resolved by fundamental quantum field theory. In this talk, we prove the equivalence between the finite-temperature NJL model and the covariant statistical operator of a free Dirac field with a spin potential coupled to the canonical spin tensor. The spin potential is induced by a mean axial vector field, expected to be generated in heavy-ion collisions through the chiral separation and axial vortical effects. Our description favors the canonical pseudogauge.

Auteurs principaux

Andrea Palermo (Stony Brook University) Matteo Buzzegoli (West University of Timisoara)

Documents de présentation