The quark gluon plasma(QGP) is expected to exhibit a chiral imbalance known as the chiral anomaly which induces various anomalous currents, such as: the chiral magnetic effect(CME), the chiral vortical effect(CVE), the anomalous Hall effect(AHE) and so on. To describe these anomalous effects, one can use the chiral magnetohydrodynamics (CMHD).
We study the collective excitations and instabilities in a CMHD and focus on the anomalous Hall instability(AHI) which is due to the AHE in this talk.
Like the CME’s instability, the AHI is dependent on the value of k and appears in a limited scope which is decided by the AHE coefficient
Finally, we briefly discuss three different instabilities such as: the chiral plasma instability(CPI), the chiral magnetovortical instability(CMVI), the AHI and the possible relevance in QGP and other physical systems.