clotilde fermanian
16/01/2023 14:30
In this talk we discuss methods for approximating of the solution of a semi-classical Schrödinger equation. Originated in a theoretical chemistry context, these methods have in common to strongly on the use of semiclassical Gaussian states.
Serena Cenatiempo: "A second order upper bound for the ground state energy of dilute Bose gases"
18/01/2023 10:30
Back in 2009 H.-T. Yau and J. Yin established a second order upper bound for the ground state energy of dilute Bose gases in the thermodynamic limit, finally in agreement with a elebrated prediction due to Bogoliubov and, in more explicit terms, by Lee, Huang and Yang. In this talk we describe recent ideas allowing us to establish the same result for a larger class of potentials (namely...