Jan 16 – 20, 2023
Europe/Paris timezone

Aims and scope:

This workshop focuses on numerical and theoretical aspects arising from the modelling and simulation of quantum mechanical problems, coming from several applications (in electronics for ex.) or more fundamental problems (Bose-Einstein condensates). The aim of this workshop is to bring together researchers working in related (theoretical as well as numerical) fields, and to consolidate as well as to foster new interactions and collaborations within this community.

This workshop is part of the thematic semester Modelling, numerical analysis and scientific computing in PDEs organized by the Labex CIMI.

List of speakers:

Paolo ANTONELLI (Gran Sasso Science Institute, L'Aquila)
Anton ARNOLD (TU Wien)
Hajer BAHOURI (Sorbonne University)
Luigi BARLETTI (Universita degli studi Firenze)
Raffaele CARLONE (Univ. Federico II, Naples)
Cristian CAZACU (FMI, Université de Bucarest, Roumanie)
Serena CENATIEMPO (Gran Sasso Science Institute, L'Aquila)
Lucrezia COSSETTI (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)
Simone DOVETTA (Politecnico di Torino)
Clotilde FERMANIAN KAMMERER (Université Paris-Est Créteil)
Louise GASSOT (ENS de Paris)
Liviu IGNAT (IMAR, Bucarest, Roumanie)
David KREJCIRIK (Czech Technical University in Prague)
Loïc LE TREUST (Université Aix-Marseille)
Christian LUBICH (Universität Tübingen)
Pierangelo MARCATI (Gran Sasso Science Institute, L’Aquila)
Peter MÜLLER (LMU München)
Anne NOURI (Université d'Aix-Marseille)
Galina PERELMAN (Univ. Paris-Est Créteil,)
Paola PIETRA (Istituto di Matematica Applicata e Tecnologie Informatiche "E. Magenes", CNR, Pavia)
Mario PULVIRENTI (Università di Roma "La Sapienza")
Vittorio ROMANO (Universita degli studi Catania)
Benjamin SCHLEIN (Universität Zürich)
Alessandro TETA (Università di Roma "La Sapienza")


Stefan Le Coz, Claudia Negulescu, Julien Royer

Practical information:

The workshop will start on Monday January 16, 2022  and end on Friday January 20, 2022. 

It will take place within the Institut de Mathématiques de Toulouse, in the Amphitheater Laurent Schwartz. A detailed map of campus is available here : Access to campus. The amphitheater is located in building no. 23 on the campus map (rue Sébastienne Guyot).

From downtown, take the Metro B line up to "Université Paul Sabatier" station. The 1R3 mathematics building is two hundred meters away from the Metro station.


Amphithéâtre Schwartz
Université Paul Sabatier, 118 Route de Narbonne, 31000 Toulouse France
Go to map

Organisation : Stefan Le Coz, Claudia Negulescu, Julien Royer