September 5, 2022 to December 9, 2022
Europe/Paris timezone
Financial support for the participation to the quarter is now closed

Sophie Langer- Overcoming the curse of dimensionality with deep neural networks

Oct 3, 2022, 2:00 PM
Amphitheater Hermite, IHP

Amphitheater Hermite, IHP


Although the application of deep neural networks to real-world problems has become ubiquitous, the question of why they are so effective has not yet been satisfactorily answered. However, some progress has been made in establishing an underlying mathematical foundation. This talk surveys results on statistical risk bounds of deep neural networks. In particular, we focus on the question of when neural networks bypass the curse of dimensionality. Here we discuss results for vanilla feedforward and convolutional neural networks as well as regression and classification settings.

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