GESDA Long & Short Courses

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- Video stream link: Omnilive
- Chat link: here (only for text and audio chat)
- Meeting ID: 896 4904 3130
- Password: 761157
Course Material
Long Courses (Dedicated pages, register here to get access to material)
- Quentin Mérigot (LMO, Orsay)
- Ery Arias-Castro (UC San Diego) and Eddie Aamari (U Paris Cité & Sorbonne U)
- Eric Klassen (Florida State)
- Wolfgang Polonik (UC Davis)
Mini-Courses (Register here to get access to material)
- Joseph Yukich (Lehigh University)
- Asymptotic Analysis of Statistics of Random Geometric Structures
- Nicolas Charon (John Hopkins)
- A Few Applications of Geometric Measure Theory to Shape Analysis
- Mikhail Belkin (UC San Diego)
- Mathematical Aspects of Deep Learning
- Yusu Wang (UC San Diego)
- Some Theoretical Aspects of Graph Neural Networks (and Higher Order Variants)
- Kathryn Hess (EPFL)
- Topological Approaches to Neuroscience
- Stephen Preston (Brooklyn College)
- Riemannian Geometry on Lie Groups
Registration for this event is currently open.