Jun 22 – 26, 2015
Centre Paul-Langevin AUSSOIS
Europe/Paris timezone
In honor of Bernard Teissier's 70th birthday

Rees algebras of codimension three Gorenstein ideals

Not scheduled
Centre Paul-Langevin AUSSOIS

Centre Paul-Langevin AUSSOIS

Centre Paul-Langevin 24, rue du Coin 73500 Aussois


Mr Bernd Ulrich (University of Purdue)


We study the implicit equations defining the image and the graph of rational maps between projective spaces, under the hypothesis that the base locus has codimension at most three and is defined by a Gorenstein ideal. We provide degree bounds for these implicit equations, and we describe them explicitly if the syzygies of the Gorenstein ideal are all linear. This is joint work with Andy Kustin and Claudia Polini.

Primary author

Mr Bernd Ulrich (University of Purdue)

Presentation materials