22–26 juin 2015
Centre Paul-Langevin AUSSOIS
Fuseau horaire Europe/Paris
In honor of Bernard Teissier's 70th birthday
This international conference is aimed at exploring various aspects of the geometry of analytic singular spaces. We shall especially emphasize the delicate interplay between commutative algebra and topology, and try to present new point of views on these problems that arose recently (valuations, non-archimedean geometry). This will be the opportunity to celebrate the accomplishments of B. Teissier in which all these aspects were always delicately interwoven. We shall also dedicate several talks to interactions between singularity theory and neuroscience.

Registration are now closed. Please contact the organizers by email if you want to attend.
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Centre Paul-Langevin AUSSOIS
Centre Paul-Langevin 24, rue du Coin 73500 Aussois
Scientific Committee: David Eisenbud, Herwig Hauser, François Loeser, Ignacio Luengo, and Mark Spivakovsky.

Organization Committee: Charles Favre, Evelia García Barroso, Pedro González Pérez, and Patrick Popescu-Pampu

This event is cofinanced by the CNRS, the ERC project "nonarcomp", the ANR projects "Susi" and  "STAAVF", the fondation Compositio, the spanish Grants MTM2010-15471, MTM2012-36917-C03-01, MTM2012-36917-C03-03, the NSF, the Ecole Polytechnique,  the GDR 2945 Singularités et applications.