Jun 22 – 26, 2015
Centre Paul-Langevin AUSSOIS
Europe/Paris timezone
In honor of Bernard Teissier's 70th birthday

Non-Archimedean Lipschitz stratification

Not scheduled
Centre Paul-Langevin AUSSOIS

Centre Paul-Langevin AUSSOIS

Centre Paul-Langevin 24, rue du Coin 73500 Aussois


Mr Yimu Yin (Sun Yat-Sun University)


I will discuss Lipschitz stratification from a nonarchimedean point of view and thereby show that it exists for definable sets, not necessarily bounded, in any polynomial-bounded o-minimal field structure. Unlike the previous approaches in the literature, our method bypasses resolution of singularities and Weierstrass preparation altogether; it transfers the situation to a nonarchimedean model, where the failure of certain ``quantitative estimates'' are sharpened into valuation-theoretic inequalities and the desired stratification follows, reductio ad absurdum, from a construction that realizes these inequalities. (Joint work with Immanuel Halupczok)

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