Présidents de session
Flash talk and posters
- Sergio Morales Tejera (West university of Timisoara)
Documents de présentation
In this study, we calculate the shear viscosity for rotating fermions with spin-half under conditions of high temperature and density. We employ the Kubo formalism, rooted in finite-temperature quantum field theory, to compute the field correlation functions essential for this evaluation. The one-loop diagram pertinent to shear viscosity is analyzed within the context of curved space,...
We investigate an alternative approach, to the MIS relativistic approach, developed to describe fluids without an underlying boost symmetry. This "density frame" approach has no non-hydrodynamic modes and no additional parameters compared to the Landau theory of first order hydrodynamics, at the price of not being fully boost invariant. We show that the density frame equations of motion follow...
After formulating the angular momentum conservation in a covariant form, we consider the equations of spin hydrodynamics in the background of an uncharged fluid in global equilibrium with a non-vanishing thermal vorticity.
Assuming that the spin degrees of freedom are not in equilibrium, we derive relaxation-type equations for the components of the spin potential.
These equations generalize...
Recent years have seen an increase in the interest to investigate the thermodynamic properties of strongly-interacting systems under rotation. Such studies are usually performed using lattice gauge techniques on the Euclidean manifold and with an imaginary angular velocity, Ω = iΩ_I . When ν = βΩ_I /2π is a rational number, the thermodynamics of free scalar fields ”fractalizes” in the large...
We describe a quantum fluid undergoing constant acceleration in the grand canonical ensemble, in thermal equilibrium at finite inverse temperature β. Writing the action of the density operator ρ as a Poincare transformation with imaginary parameters, we derive the Kubo-Martin-Schwinger (KMS) relation characterizing the two-point functions. The KMS relation sets boundary conditions for the...
A quantum fluid in thermal equilibrium can be described in the grand canonical ensemble using the density operator ρ. At finite temperature and chemical potential, the expectation values of the energy-momentum tensor and the charge current reveal the well-known thermodynamics of the Fermi-Dirac fluid. When the system is rotating or immersed in a magnetic field, deviations from the Fermi-Dirac...
The polarization of free Dirac fermions can be described by helicity, which represents the projection of the spin along the direction of motion. The helicity operator commutes with the Hamiltonian and therefore helicity is a good'' quantum number, even in the case of massive fermions. This opens the possibility of defining a
helicity current'', J^\mu_H, which is conserved for free...
When two relativistic heavy nuclei collide, they produce strong chromoelectric fields that lead to a rapid deceleration of the colliding nuclei. It was suggested twenty years ago that the deceleration leads to a rapid thermalization of the gluon matter through the Hawking-Unruh effect that produces a final thermal gluon state via quantum tunneling through the emerging event horizon. In the...
In this work, we study the Chiral Magnetic Effect (CME) from lattice QCD simulations in two different scenarios, particularly focusing on the leading-order coefficient of the vector current in a chiral chemical potential expansion. In the first case, we consider a system in thermal equilibrium with a non-uniform magnetic background. We show that local chiral magnetic currents appear in this...
Fermion production in an external Coulomb field on de Sitter expanding universe is studied. The amplitude and probability of pair production in an external Coulomb field are computed and the cases of large/small values of the expansion factor comparatively with the particle mass are studied. We obtain from our calculations that the modulus of the momentum is no longer a conserved quantity. We...
We investigated the Dirac eigenvalue distributions at finite chiral chemical potential and strong magnetic field. We found that the eigenvalue distributions exhibit what is called the skin effect in condensed matter physics which is typical behavior when a topological transport is expected.
We also analyzed different distribution patterns by multiplying some matrices to the Dirac operator....