Mar 9 – 11, 2022
Ecole Polytechnique
Europe/Paris timezone

The code Smilei has gathered users and developers from many laboratories around the world. This 3rd user & training workshop is a unique opportunity to learn about the project status and current developments, share your results to the community, and for newcomers, to follow hands-on training sessions with access to a cluster.

Participants will have the opportunity to submit an abstract for a presentation of their recent results.

Three sessions will be reserved for hands-on training for participants who wish to learn about running and optimizing PIC simulations (limited to 50 places).

Lunches will be provided on site, and one dinner will be organised. No registration fee is requested.


  • By car: Driving directions to the parking lot here. Walking directions to the reception desk here.
  • By train: the RER train from Paris stops at Lozère. A 15 min walk uphill is necessary to reach the reception desk. Walking directions here.
  • By train + bus: to avoid the uphill walk, you may go by train up to Massy-Palaiseau then change to bus 91.06 up to the bus stop Polytechnique-Lozère. Walking directions to the reception desk here.
