Itai Shafrir
(Technion-Israel Institute of Technology, Israël)
When $sp\ge N$ the space $W^{s,p}(S^N,S^N)$ can be decomposed into homotopy classes according to the degree of the maps. We consider two natural distances between different classes.
We prove estimates, and in some cases even explicit formulas, for these distances. Most of the work is joint with Haim Brezis (Rutgers and Technion) and Petru Mironescu (Lyon 1).
Auteur principal
Itai Shafrir
(Technion-Israel Institute of Technoloy, Israel)
Haïm Brezis
(Rutgers, États-Unis & Technion- Israel Institute of Technology, Israël)
Petru Mironescu
(U. Lyon 1, France)