The workshop will be held at ENS de Lyon -- site Monod.
Talks will take place in Amphi A (third-fourth floor) and coffee breaks will be in "salle passerelle" (fourth floor).
Some links to help you plan your visit:
Travelling to ENS de Lyon -- site Monod
- From the Lyon-Saint-Exupéry airport : take the Rhônexpress from the aiport to the railway station Part-Dieu.
- From railway station gare Part-Dieu, take the metro line B towards "Gare d'Oullins", and stop at metro station Debourg.
- From metro station Debourg, either walk (5 to 10 minutes) or take the tramway line T1 and stop at station ENS Lyon .
- From railway station gare de Perrache, take the tramway line T1 towards Debourg and stop at station ENS Lyon.
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