Ivo Dell'Ambrogio
The classical Lefschetz-Hopf fixed-point formula equates two different computations for the trace of a self-map of a smooth compact manifold: one side computes it locally and geometrically, the other side globally and homologically. In a series of papers, Heath Emerson and Ralf Meyer generalize the geometric side to equivariant self-maps -- or even self-correspondences -- of a compact manifold acted upon by a compact Lie group. This invariant lives in the representation ring of the group. In joint work, we compute it homologically by way of topological equivariant K-theory. In particular, the formula simplifies to rather pleasing forms for finite groups and Hodgkin Lie groups. The constructions and proofs use equivariant Kasparov theory in an essential way.
Mots Clés / Keywords | Lefschetz-Hopf fixed-point formula; equivariant Kasparov theory |
Primary author
Ivo Dell'Ambrogio