Oct 16 – 18, 2013
Université d'Angers
Europe/Paris timezone

Realization of differential graded Lie algebras

Oct 16, 2013, 5:10 PM
Amphi L005 (bâtiment L) (Université d'Angers)

Amphi L005 (bâtiment L)

Université d'Angers

Université d'Angers, 2 Boulevard Lavoisier, 49045 Angers cedex 01
Exposé de recherche sur invitation Topologie algébrique et applications


Aniceto Murillo (Universidad de Malaga)


We extend the classical realization Quillen functor to unbounded differential graded Lie algebras, or more generally, to L-infinity algebras, to algebraically model the rational homotopy theory of non-connected spaces. Lie models of Mapping spaces and differential graded Lie algebras arising in deformation theory are examples which fit in our project and will be explicitly treated. This is joint work with Urtzi Buijs.
Mots Clés / Keywords Differential graded Lie algebras, Maurer-Cartan elements, models of non-connected spaces.

Primary author

Aniceto Murillo (Universidad de Malaga)

Presentation materials