Jun 22 – 26, 2015
Centre Paul-Langevin AUSSOIS
Europe/Paris timezone
In honor of Bernard Teissier's 70th birthday

Sets with few rational points

Not scheduled
Centre Paul-Langevin AUSSOIS

Centre Paul-Langevin AUSSOIS

Centre Paul-Langevin 24, rue du Coin 73500 Aussois


Mr Georges Comte (Université de Savoie - Chambéry)


In the spirit of famous papers by Pila & Bombieri and Pila & Wilkie, I will explain how to bound the number of rational points, with respect to their height, in various kinds of sets, such as algebraic varieties of a given degree, transcendental sets definable in some o-minimal (or even not o-minimal) structure over the real field, and, after joint work with R. Cluckers and F. Loeser, also definable sets in non-archimedean contexts.

Presentation materials