Jun 12 – 16, 2017
Europe/Paris timezone


A poster session will be held during the workshop. If you want to participate, send an email to Stefano Olla (olla.AT.ceremade.dauphine.fr) with a tentative title.


Manon Baudel (University Orléans)
Spectral theory for random Poincaré maps

See the summary (pdf file).


Byron Jiménez Oviedo
Hydrodynamics for the boundary driven symmetric exclusion process with long jumps


Karel Netocny


Lorenz Richter
Variances of gradient estimators with applications in nonequilibrium processes

We investigate variances of gradient estimators related to stochastic processes where the parameter with respect to which we differentiate appears in the path measure as well as in the quantity of interest. It turns out that these variances scale with different powers of the time horizon of the process. We illustrate our findings in the application of identifying optimal nonequilibrium forcings for rare event sampling via a gradient descent method.


Frantisek Slanina
Hydrodynamic ratchet: rectification of Brownian motion by inertial hydrodynamic effects