
  • Ellen Saada
  • Gabriel Stoltz
  • UNKNOWN Stoltz

It is common practice in statistical mechanics to use models of large interacting assemblies governed by stochastic dynamics. In this context “equilibrium” is understood as stochastically (time) reversible dynamics with respect to a prescribed Gibbs measure. The IHP trimester “Stochastic Dynamics Out of Equilibrium” will focus on various aspects of nonequilibrium dynamics. Non-reversible dynamics have features which cannot occur at equilibrium and for which novel methods have to be developed.
In the recent years there have been important advances in the three domains relevant to this trimester

  • Transport in non-equilibrium statistical mechanics;
  • Towards more efficient simulation methods;
  • Life sciences.

and this has led to challenging open questions.
This trimester aims at bringing together an audience coming from all the involved domains, to explore these new directions: physicists, mathematicians from various domains, computer scientists, as well as researchers working at the interface between biology, physics and mathematics.

juin 2017

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