Thematic scientific program at Institut Henri Poincaré, Paris
Random processes in the brain: From experimental data to Math and back

February 27th to April 7th, 2023
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Short Program
1st week: February 27-March 3: Scratch courses for mathematicians and neurobiologists
2nd week: March 6 to March 10: Workshop: Structural learning by the brain
3rd week: March 13 to March 17: Doctoral course: Structural learning by the brain
Tuesday March 14, 6-8 pm: Séance grand public by Gilles Laurent and Olivier Faugéras
4th week: March 20-24: Doctoral course: Stochastic modelling of neural networks
5th week: March 27-March 31: Workshop: Networks of spiking neurons
6th week: April 3-April 7: Hands-on week: Doctoral courses and discussion of projects with students
Work in process seminars:
March 20, 4 pm: Erin Schuman
March 22, 4 pm: Dasha Loukianova (Université d'Evry) Galves-Löcherbach model and conditional propagation of chaos
March 24, 4pm-5 pm: Michel Davydov (INRIA Paris)
March 24, 5 pm-5.30 pm: Julien Aubert (Nice)
March 24, 5.30 pm-6 pm : Sophie Jaffard (Nice)
Satellite meeting : March 21-March 22: Colloque ANR ChaMaNe, salle 201 tour 23-24 à Jussieu
More information can be found here
Detailed program here
About the NeuroMat Project & YouTube Channel
Live chat (for questions)
Guidelines for the poster session
Antonio Galves (Universidade de São Paulo)
Eva Löcherbach (Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne)
Christophe Pouzat (CNRS Université de Strasbourg)
Claudia D. Vargas ( Universidade Federal de Rio de Janeiro)
Organizing committee:
Roberto Fernandéz (New York Université Shanghai)
Dasha Loukianova (Université d'Evry)
Massimiliano Tamborino (University of Warwick)
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