27 février 2023 à 7 avril 2023
Fuseau horaire Europe/Paris

February 27 to March 3: Scratch courses


March 1 to March 3: Scratch courses

10:00-12:00: Neurobiology for mathematicians by C. Pouzat with F. Najman,  P.Passos,  B. Ramalho


  • Primer on base neural physiology for mathematicians
  • von Helmholtz's conjecture of the predictive brain
  • Intrinsic variability of neurobiological data and the need of probabilistic models


14:00-16:00: Stochastics for neurobiologists by A. Duarté and E. Löcherbach


  • Stochastic chains in discrete time: Markov chains and variable length models
  • An algorithmic approach to continuous time processes
  • A simple model for spiking neurons and first steps towards statistical inference




  1. Galves, A., Löcherbach, E. and Pouzat, C., Probabilistic spiking neuronal nets-Data, Models and Theorems. 
  2. Hernandes, N., Duarte, A., Ost, G., Fraiman, R., Galves, A., and Vargas, C.D., Retrieving the structure of probabilistic sequences of auditory stimuli from EEG data
  3. Luo, L., Principles of Neurobiology. Garland Science, 2021


16:00-18:00: Informal discussions (with coffee and cake) and project proposals / discussions with younger researchers