May 31, 2022 to June 2, 2022
Europe/Paris timezone

Renormalization of Horava gravity

Jun 2, 2022, 2:45 PM


Université de Tours 3 Rue des Tanneurs, 37041 Tours


Andrei Barvinsky


I will discuss quantum properties of the projectable Horava gravity -- the first example of renormalizable, local and unitary gravity theory perturbatively consistent in UV domain and demonstrating asymptotic freedom in (2+1) dimensions and possibly in (3+1) dimensions. Correspondingly I will briefly dwell on gauge dependence issues, background field and heat kernel methods along with the dimensional reduction necessary for the computation of beta-functions and conformal anomalies in such a class of extraordinarily complicated Lorentz non-invariant theories. Possible dark energy and inflationary cosmology implications of this and related theories will be touched upon.

Primary author

Andrei Barvinsky

Presentation materials