1:30 PM
Erik van Nimwegen - Recombination with complex population structure drives genome evolution in many bacterial species
2:00 PM
Olivier Rivoire - Models of coevolution in proteins: sampling, physics and evolution
2:30 PM
Clément Nizak - Parameters and determinants of responses to selection in antibody libraries
4:00 PM
Samir Suweis - Constrained proteome allocation, adaptive strategies, and coexistence in models of competitive microbial communities
4:30 PM
Simona Cocco - The heterogeneous landscape and early evolution of pathogen-associated CpG dinucleotides in SARS-CoV-2
5:00 PM
Ada Altieri - New perspectives on the emergence of multiple equilibria in large highly interacting ecosystems
5:30 PM
Rosalind Allen - Modelling phenotypic delay in the evolution of bacterial antibiotic resistance