Oct 26 – 29, 2021
Europe/Paris timezone

Homotopically inflexible algebras

Oct 29, 2021, 9:00 AM


Cristina Costoya


An oriented closed connected d-manifold is inflexible if it does not admit selfmaps of unbounded degree. In addition, if for every oriented closed connected d-manifold M ′ the set of degrees of maps M′ → M is finite, then M is said to be strongly inflexible. The first examples of simply connected inflexible manifolds have been constructed by Arkowitz and Lupton using Rational Homotopy Theory. However, it is not known whether simply connected strongly manifolds exist, problem that is related to Gromov’s question on functorial semi-norms on homology. In this talk, using Sullivan models, we present a method that proves the failure of strongly inflexibility for all but one of the existing inflexible manifolds. This is a joint work with Vicente Mu˜noz and Antonio Viruel.

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