12 octobre 2018
Laboratoire Paul Painlevé
Fuseau horaire Europe/Paris

Aims and scope

The aim of this day is to bring together experts in Calculus of Variations with applications in different areas of physics, mechanics and image processing. 

This day features six invited plenary lectures. Limited funding for the participation of doctoral students and post-doctoral researchers is available, see below. 




Confirmed Plenary speakers: 

A detailed program is available here.



Registrations are now opened.



Limited funding for the local expenses of students and young researchers is available. If you wish to apply for such support, please register and send a CV and a publication list by email to Benoît Merlet.

Commence le
Finit le
Laboratoire Paul Painlevé
Bâtiment M3 - Salle de séminaire, 3iéme étage