Analysis, Probability, and their Applications

Quy Nhon (Vietnam)

Quy Nhon (Vietnam)

International Center for Interdisciplinary Science and Education in Vietnam (ICISE)




The Vietnamese-French master in applied Mathematics is ten years old. This conference's first aim is to celebrate this event. Many former students of the program had followed it by a phD and have a post-doc position somewhere in the world. The conference will also be an opportunity for younger students to meet the older and learn from their experience. Of course the conference will also be an opportunity for the students to meet again their teachers. The master was buit as a tool for Vietnamese-French cooperation in mathematics and many former students of the master have come back to Vietnam as lecturers in a university: meeting the french actors of the master maybe an opportunity to catch up with the research project they have started during their phD.

Apart from this, some distinguished mathematician will give talks about various applications of mathematics, from physics to industry, thus showing a sample of the contemporary trends in mathematics.

Priory to this conference, a one-day celebration of the event will be held at the Vietnamese National University in Ho Chi Minh City on friday  december 9. Further details will be given later. Transportation to Quy Nhon from HCMC will be organized on saturday december 10.

  • Anh Dao Nguyen
  • Anh Thi DINH
  • Anh-Ha Le
  • Athanasios Batakis
  • Bernard BERCU
  • Bertrand Duplantier
  • Dang-Ky Luong
  • Do Minh-Hieu
  • Duc Dinh Thanh
  • Dung Nguyen
  • Dung Nguyen Thac
  • Duy Phan
  • François James
  • Hanh Tran
  • Hiep Luu Thi
  • Hoang An Tran
  • Hong Nhung NGUYEN
  • Huy Tran
  • Jean-Stéphane Dhersin
  • Jérôme LE ROUSSEAU
  • Kari Astala
  • Khac Dinh Nguyen
  • Kieu NGUYEN
  • Lam Ho
  • LAN Tran
  • Luu Gia Thien
  • Maria J. Esteban
  • Mi Nguyen Dac Quynh
  • Michel Zinsmeister
  • Nguyen Hoang
  • Nhan Nguyen
  • Nhat Thien Pham
  • Nhu Ngoc Nguyen
  • Olivier Ley
  • Pascal Frey
  • Pascal Omnes
  • Paul Lagrée
  • PEIGNE Marc
  • Pham Trong Tien
  • Phan Thanh Viet
  • Phuong Lien Le
  • Phuong Tran
  • Quoc Hung NGUYEN
  • Thanh Binh Le
  • Thanh-Tam Phung
  • Thi Anh Thu Doan
  • Thi Da Cam PHAM
  • Thi Ngoc Minh NGUYEN
  • Thi Ngoc Thuy Phan
  • Thi Thao Phuong HOANG
  • Thuan Le
  • Tran Gia Lộc
  • Truong Dang
  • Tùng Ngô Thanh
  • Xuan HIeu Ho
  • Đào Ngọc Hân
    • 1
      To be announced
      Speaker: Prof. Bao Chau Ngo (University of Chicago)
    • 2:50 PM
    • 2
      Some new results on dynamic inequalities and dynamic systems on time scales
      Speaker: Dr Thanh Duc Dinh
    • 3:50 PM
    • 4:00 PM
      Round table - What to do after the master

      Start a phD? where?
      After phD: look for a postdoc? where?
      Coming back to Vietnam? Apply in the academic system? in the industry?
      In the banking system?

    • 3
      Mathematical methods for evolution, deformation and optimisation
      Speaker: Prof. Pascal FREY
    • 10:50 AM
    • 4
      Big Data and Data Science: Engineering Approach
      Speaker: Thi Phuong Kieu Nguyen
    • 11:30 AM
    • 11:40 AM
      Lunch break
    • 5
      Stabilization and control of PDEs: seminal results and recent extension
      Control of PDEs is about the action that one can have on the solution of a PDE through, for example, a source term in the interior of the domain or at the boundary. The goal is then to drive the solution to a prescribed state or close to it at a given time. Stabilization shares the same goal, yet for an infinite time horizon and in the case of a closed-loop: the action one has on the PDE is through a function of the solution itself. One could think for instance of a damping term for the wave equation. In this talk, we shall review some seminal results and methods used to address these issues. Such methods vary from one equation type to the other: waves, Schrödinger,heat, etc... We shall also present some recent results that exploit these techniques.
      Speaker: Prof. Le Rousseau Jerome
    • 2:50 PM
    • 6
      How to see if two trees look alike
      Speaker: Dr Vo Huy Tran
    • 3:30 PM
      coffee break
    • 7
      Stabilization to trajectories for parabolic equations
      Speaker: Dr Duc-Duy Phan
    • 4:30 PM
      Round table - How to pursue resarch in math in Vietnam

      The master students have started during their internship or at more length
      during their phD a research partnership with their advisors outside Vietnam: How to pursue this collaboration after returning to Vietnam?
      The problem of teaching will be of course raised as well as the possibilities offered to educe the teaching pressure.

    • 8
      Rigidity, nonlinear flows and optimal symmetry for extremals of functional inequalities
      The analysis of optimality and symmetry properties of extremals in functional inequalities has been performed recently by introducing nonlinear flows into the picture. These results solve conjectures about symmetry and symmetry breaking in functional inequalities which play an important role in various areas of analysis. Also, as a consequence we have obtained optimal estimates for the principal eigenvalues of linear operators and rigidity results of solutions of nonlinear elliptic PDEs for compact and noncompact in Riemaniann manifolds. This work has been done in collaboration with J. Dolbeault and M. Loss
      Speaker: Prof. Maria Esteban (Paris-Dauphine)
    • 10:50 AM
    • 11:00 AM
      coffee break
    • 9
      The extinction versus the blow-up: Global and non-global existence of solutions of source types of degenerate parabolic equations with a singular absorption
      Speaker: Nguyen Anh Dao
    • 11:50 AM
    • 12:00 PM
      Lunch break
    • 10
      Geometry of BiLipschitz mappings
      Speaker: Prof. Kari Astala (Helsinki)
    • 2:50 PM
    • 11
      Domain decomposition methods for heterogeneous diffusion problems discretized by the finite ele- ment cell-centered scheme
      Speaker: Thi Thao Phuong Hoang
    • 3:30 PM
    • 3:40 PM
      coffee break
    • 12
      The survival probability of a critical multi-type branching process in i.i.d. random environment
      Speaker: Dr Thi Da Cam Pham
    • 4:30 PM
    • 4:40 PM
      Round table - The future of the master

      The master enters a new generation: many former students have now positions in Vietnam and it is very natural that they become actors in the master. Several possibilities could occur for this actions:
      - The former students of the master could offer pre-internships to students: a way for them to prepare to the internship. It is indeed frequent that students are not well prepared for a 3-months internship.
      - Another point is the fact that, even if the US in HCMC is majoritar, the pedagogy university of HCMC ,the university of Quynhon or to a lesser extent, the university of Can Tho played an important role and the question of introducing partnership of these universities (as in France) arise strongly.

    • 13
      Generalized Multifractality of Whole-Plane SLE
      Speaker: Prof. Duplantier Bertrand
    • 10:50 AM
    • 14
      Direct Likehood-based inference for stochastic models of infectious diseases
      Speaker: Dr Ho Si Tung Lam
    • 11:30 AM
    • 12:00 PM
      Lunch Break
    • 15
      A Numerical Scheme for Solutions of Stochastic Differential Equations with Markovian Switching
      Speaker: Dr Dung Nguyen
    • 2:30 PM
    • 16
      On spectral collocation methods for solving differential and integral equations
      Speaker: Dr Hoang Nguyen
    • 3:10 PM
    • 3:20 PM
      coffee break
    • 17
      Regime Switching Hidden Markov Models applied to Commodity Term Structure
      Speaker: Dr Ngoc Minh Nguyen
    • 4:10 PM