Jun 12 – 16, 2017
Université Lille 1
Europe/Paris timezone
The contributed talks of R. Lteif and F. Nabet have been swapped. More details are available on the Timetable page.


A major strength of the FVCA conference is to design benchmarks that allow to unify the community around a test problem solved with different numerical methods. For this eighth edition of the conference, the numerical simulation of incompressible viscous flows will have the place of honour. Several teams that work on this subject will be able to compare their methods in terms of efficiency, accuracy and robustness.

A detailed description of the benchmark, including description of the test cases and mesh files can be found here.

Participants to the benchmark are free to perform only some parts of the test-cases (for example only 2D tests, or only tests on simplicies). All significant contributions will be considered in the reviewing process. Papers are limited to 16 pages.

Some templates for the LaTeX contribution and for the format under which the results should be presented have been prepared. The templates are to be found on the updated webpage:

Submission of manuscripts for FVCA8 proceedings and benchmark are now closed.


Important dates

  • Submission of full versions of papers : January 6, 2017 January 13, 2017 (CLOSED)
  • Benchmark contributions : January 6, 2017 January 31, 2017 (CLOSED)
  • Notice of (conditional) paper acceptance : February 10, 2017 (FINISHED)
  • Submission of final version of the paper : March 1, 2017 (CLOSED)



