Jun 12 – 16, 2017
Université Lille 1
Europe/Paris timezone
The contributed talks of R. Lteif and F. Nabet have been swapped. More details are available on the Timetable page.

Invited speakers

List of confirmed invited speakers

  • A. R. Brodtkorb - SINTEF, Norway
    Finite volume methods and GPU computing: past, present, and future
  • A. Chertock - North Carolina State Univ., USA
    Structure Preserving Numerical Methods for Hyperbolic Systems of Conservation and Balance Laws
  • I. Faille - IFP Energies Nouvelles, France
    Finite Volumes for sedimentary basin modeling
  • T. Gallouet - Univ. Aix-Marseille, France
    Some discrete functional analysis tools
  • B. Haasdonk - Univ. Stuttgart, Germany
    Reduced Basis Methods for Optimization and Feedback Control
  • S. Mishra - ETH Zurich, Switzerland
    Computation of statistical solutions of fluid flows
  • E. Fernandez Nieto - Univ. Sevilla, Spain
    Some geophysical applications with finite volume solvers of two-layer and two-phase systems
  • C. W. Shu - Brown Univ, USA
    Bound-preserving high order finite volume schemes for conservation laws and convection-diffusion equations