8–11 oct. 2024
Fuseau horaire Europe/Paris

Sub-exponential tails in biased run and tumble equations with unbounded velocities

8 oct. 2024, 14:35


Centre de Vacances CAES du CNRS Paul Langevin, 24 Rue du Coin, 73500 Aussois


M. Luca Ziviani


In this talk we are going to present some recent results about the Run and Tumble equations, a kinetic model for the movement of bacteria subjected to the presence of a chemotactic substance. Unlike many previous articles, in this work in collaboation with Emeric Bouin and Josephine Evans, we consider the Run and Tumble equation when the set velocities is the whole space. The distribution M of post-reorientation velocities is considered to be sub-exponentially or super-exponentially decaying. We also present an ongoing numerical study of the model, carried out with Francis Filbet.

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