Oct 8 – 11, 2024
Europe/Paris timezone

Kinetic and hyperbolic equations play vital roles in the modeling of physical systems ranging from gas dynamics, plasmas, semiconductor devices to biological and social sciences. The study of kinetic and hyperbolic equations brings out rich mathematics and calls for special techniques from analysis, numerical analysis and scientific computing.



 The aim of this conference is to bring together junior and senior experts in all aspects of kinetic and hyperbolic equations and provide the state of the art and most recent developments in the field.


Practical informations:

The workshop will take place within the Centre CNRS, at Aussois.

The workshop will start on Tuesday, 8th October morning and end on  Friday, 11th October afternoon.


Participants are encouraged to arrive Monday evening : we will organize a shuttle from Chambery station starting at 5:45 pm and arriving at Aussois about 7:45 before the diner. 

 We will also organize a shuttle for friday afternoon after the lunch for the way back. It should arrive at Chambery before 4:00 pm.  There are some train departures   from Chambery to Paris and Lyon about 4:20 pm


They are no registration fees.

Centre de Vacances CAES du CNRS Paul Langevin, 24 Rue du Coin, 73500 Aussois
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