Rémi Bonnin: Random tensors : universality of the Wigner-Gurau limit.


In this talk we will develop a combinatorial approach for studying 
moments of the resolvent trace for random tensors proposed by Razvan 
Gurau, giving the maximal contribution of the expectation of trace 
invariants (or moments) of a tensor. Our work is based on the study of 
hypergraphs and extends the combinatorial proof of moments convergence 
for Wigner's theorem. This also opens up paths for research akin to free 
probability for random tensors.
     Specifically, trace invariants form a complete basis of tensor 
invariants and constitute the moments of the resolvent trace. For a 
random tensor with entries independent, centered, with the right 
variance and bounded moments, we will show the convergence of the 
expectation and bound the variance of the balanced single trace 
invariant. This implies the universality of the convergence of the 
associated measure towards the law obtained by Gurau in the Gaussian 
case, whose limiting moments are given by the Fuss-Catalan numbers.
     Additionally, in the Gaussian case, the limiting distribution 
of the $k$-times contracted $p$-order random tensor by a deterministic 
vector is always the Wigner-Gurau law at order $p-k$, dilated by 

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