Oct 10 – 11, 2024
Europe/Paris timezone

PANDA-Hyp (Perpectives And New Developments, in Advanced numerical methods for HYPerbolic PDEs) conference will honor Gabriella Puppo's 65th birthday and almost 40 years in mathematical research.

Gabriella got her PhD from the Courant Institute in New-York U.S.A. in 1990. then she became assistant and associate professor in Numerical Analysis at Politecnico di Torino in Italy during 1990-2012 period. Then, she moved to Universita' dell'Insubria, Italy from 2012 until 2018. Since 2018, she has been a full professor in Numerical Analysis at the Department of Mathematics of La Sapienza Universita' di Roma.

Gabriella is well known for her contributions in kinetic models, traffic flow models, semi-implicit schemes, high-order schemes (FV, DG), entropy conservations, AP and relaxation schemes, implicit schemes, RK, Central WENO,  Adaptive Mesh Refinement, and many other topics!
She authors or co-authors more than fifty scientific publications, appeared on the best international journals of the field: J. Comp. Phys, SIAM J. Scientific Computing, J. Scientific Computing, SIAM J. of Numerical Analysis, Communications in Computational Physics, Math. of Comp., Computers and Fluids, Kinetics and Related Models, Communications in Math. Sciences, etc.

In October 10th-11th, we will be in Arcachon, France, for two days to share thoughts, souvenirs, news and mathematical revolutionary ideas... and, of course, celebrate Gabriella's achievements with her close friends and colleagues.

Arcance by InWood (ex-Hôtel de la Plage) 10 Avenue Nelly Deganne, 33120 Arcachon, France 33120 Arcachon
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