Jun 5 – 7, 2023
Europe/Paris timezone

Latest news

Objective of the workshop

In this workshop, we will address the modelling of multiphase flows. The goal is to share modelling methods, difficulties, (rigorous or more phenomenological) analysis, allowing the description of multiphase flows with exchanges (mass transfer, energy exchange…) and apparition of shock waves.  
You can also find

  • the webpage of the previous workshop,
  • the proceedings of the first workshop in 2018,
  • the proceedings of the second workshop in 2019, while the proceedings of the last edition will be available soon.

Several talks are planned, with parts dedicated to open discussions. The main subjects will be a priori:

  • the Physics of multiphase flows with mass transfer and high energy exchanges,
  • derivation and study of PDE models for compressible multiphase flows,
  • construction of coherent thermodynamical laws.

Note that one-velocity and multi-velocity models will be considered.


The talks will start the morning of Monday 5, and finish Wednesday 7 at noon.


  1. Sébastien Boyaval
  2. Henda Djeridi
  3. Michael Dumbser
  4. Sergey Gavrilyuk
  5. Olivier Hurisse
  6. Michal Pavelka
  7. Romain Privat
  8. Keh-Ming Shyue
  9. Ewelina Zatorska

The titles of the talks and the abstracts will be available soon.


A poster session will be organized. If you are interested in presenting your recent works in the topics of the workshop, we would be happy to welcome you. Please contact the organizers, sending a title and an abstract of your poster. 

Practical informations


The talks are given in room C8 of the first floor of the UFR (rez-de-chaussée de l'UFR):
exact location of the room (Institut de Recherche Mathématique Avancée, Strasbourg)


Meet Tuesday evening at 7:30pm at the restaurant La Victoire: 24 quai des Pêcheurs, Strasbourg.

Organizing committee

Philippe HelluyJean-Marc HérardNicolas Seguin.



Application for this event is currently open.