4–5 févr. 2016
Ecole Polytechnique
Fuseau horaire Europe/Paris
New Trends in Integral Equations

A new a posteriori error estimate for the BEM

5 févr. 2016, 10:10
Amphi Becquerel (Ecole Polytechnique)

Amphi Becquerel

Ecole Polytechnique

Route de Saclay, 91128 PALAISEAU Cedex


Marc Bakry Sébastien Pernet (Onera Toulouse)


A posteriori error estimates are tools which enable a measure of the numerical error. They are required to be equivalent to the norm of the error and to be locally computable. They are norms of values which can be computed from the numerical solution and the problem parameters. In the context of BEM, there is a loss of locality of the norms and therefore of the estimates. Standard localization techniques partially solve the issue but lead to a loss of control between the norm of the error and the estimate.
We introduce a new localization technique based on the computation of the residual (the norm of the residual is an equivalent norm of the error). By applying a well-chosen isomorphism to the residual, we can "carry" it in some functional space where the norm is local (typically L2). We rst introduce the concept for the BEM in 3D-acoustics, then we give an introduction on what this -estimation would look like for the EFIE.

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