Andrés Sambarino
We will review some dynamical systems associated to an Anosov representation and draw some geometric conclusions.
More precisely, we will review topics such as the Patterson-Sullivan Theory for these representations, the critical hypersurface, dynamical intersection, dynamics of the \theta-Weyl-chamber flow, and finally directional-conicality and generalizations.
We will then consider the approach of dominated sequences and draw conclusions on the regularity of limit sets.
Some relevant references are:
lecture 1: Babillot-Ledrappier, Bridgeman-Canary-Labourie-S., Burger-Landesberg-Lee-Oh, Carvajales, Chow-Sarkar, Dey-Kapovich, Ledrappier, Lee-Oh, S.
lecture 2: Bochi-Potrie-S., Pozzetti-S., Pozzetti-S.-Wienhard, Zhang-Zimmer.