Geometry, Topology and Statistics in Data Sciences
10-14 October - IHP, Paris
On one hand, modern data science makes use of Topological Data Analysis in a preliminary step to obtain structural information before processing supervised or unsupervised methods. On the other hand, when a priori knowledge of a Riemannian manifold containing the data is available, shape analysis proposes to adapt mathematical statistics tools to infer geometric and statistical properties.
Invited Speakers
- Dominique Attali (GIPSA-lab)
- Reconstructing manifolds by weighted $\ell_1$-norm minimization (video)
- Martin Bauer (Florida State University)
- Elastic shape analysis of surfaces
- Omer Bobrowski (Technion Israel Institute of Technology)
- Universality in random persistence diagrams (video)
- Frédéric Barbaresco (Thales)
- Symplectic foliation model of information geometry for statistics and learning on Lie groups (video)
- Claire Brécheteau (Ecole Centrale de Nantes)
- Approximating data with a union of ellipsoids and clustering (video)
- Nicolas Charon (Johns Hopkins University)
- Registration of shape graphs with partial matching constraints (video)
- Herbert Edelsbrunner (Institute of Science and Technology Austria)
- Chromatic Delaunay mosaics for chromatic point data (video)
- Barbara Gris (Sorbonne University)
- Defining data-driven deformation models (video)
- Joan Glaunès (Université Paris Cité)
- Geometric methods for diffeomorphic registration, and the KeOps library (video)
- Heather Harrington (Oxford University)
- Shape of data in biology (video)
- Kathryn Hess (EPFL)
- Morse-theoretic signal compression and reconstruction (video)
- Irène Kaltenmark (Université de Paris)
- Curves and surfaces. Partial matching in the space of varifolds (video)
- Eric Klassen (Florida State University)
- The square root normal field and unbalanced optimal transport
- Johannes Krebs (KU Eichstaett)
- On the law of the iterated logarithm and Bahadur representation in stochastic geometry
- Nina Miolane (UC Santa Barbara)
- Geomstats: a Python package for Geometric Machine Learning
- Steve Oudot (Inria Paris Saclay)
- Optimization in topological data analysis
- Victor Patrangenaru (Florida State University)
- Geometry, topology and statistics on object spaces
- Stephen Preston (City University of New York)
- Isometric immersions and the waving of flags (video)
- Stefan Horst Sommer (University of Copenhagen)
- Diffusions means in geometric statistics
- Katharine Turner (Australian National University)
- The extended persistent homology transform for manifolds with boundary
- Yusu Wang (UC San Diego)
- Comparing graphs with node attributes: Wesifeiler-Lehman meets Gromov-Wasserstein
- Laurent Younes (Johns Hopkins University)
For logistical reasons, to join the cocktail at Tour Zamansky, please ensure that you are registered to attend the workshop in person.
Lunches (Info handout)
- Institut Henri Poincaré’s neighborhood has plenty of diverse food places.
The two-hour lunch breaks give you enough time to eat in a restaurant, or to grab something to take away.